Saturday, August 31, 2019

Haroun And The Sea Of Stories Character Analysis

She leaves her husband with her neighbor Mr.. Sanguine, which may be the reason for Harpoon's turn of events. Briefly describe the character and his or her relations with other characters (a solid paragraph or two). This is a more detailed factual description of your chosen character. You may combine your own factual description with quotations from the text. Give page numbers. When Sorry is first introduced she was said to have a â€Å"sweet voice raised in song† (15). Readers are seemingly given an image of her being a sweet and loving wife and mother..But things go terribly wrong once she no longer sings (16). It's also evident that Sorry was very vulnerable. She was so tired of being left home while her husband told fictional stories that Mr.. Cantata's criticisms of Raised soon enveloped her heart like the darkness of Chatham- Shut. It may be Mr.. Cantata's statement, â€Å"what's the use of stories that aren't true? That finally got to the lonely Sorry (20). Sorry was a ticking time bomb that blew up. It's almost to be expected seeing as her family was the only happy one in a sad city.Even love for her son couldn't get her to stay. Although, just as things had turned around for Rasher and Harmon, Sorry had realized her mistake. Ironically, she described Mr.. Sanguine the same as the narrator had described Chatham-Shut. Lover, mother, and wife, Sorry as a full package. Luckily, she was able to see the light of the day, instead of the darkness of the night. Explain why you find the character interesting, and discuss how the character affects your understanding of the novel (a solid paragraph or two).Sorry is a very minor character whom only appears in the beginning and the end of the story. The best thing about Sorry is that her small part had a huge impact on the way the story went. First, lets observe the way she left her husband. She simply asked him to look for some socks that their son Harmon may have lost, and in that instance she disappeared. Her leaving with the stairs neighbor was very contradictory with her character. Readers can only sympathize with the openwork Rasher and their precious son Harmon.Rasher was so distraught over his wife leaving him that only after taking out his anger by smashing every clock in their home, he loses his ability to tell stories. The plot thickens as he no longer wants to tell stories and is visited by the Water Genie to have his story line disconnected. Moving over to Harmon, he was so heartbroken that he couldn't concentrate on anything more than 1 1 minutes; this was the Same time that his mother left them (1 1 o'clock). All of these these are significant. Had it not been Corpora's choice to leave her family for boring old Mr..Sanguine, neither Hardbound nor Rasher would have helped save Kahn. It was her choice that led to Rasher's choice to no longer tell stories. It was her choice that caused Harmon to take If's tool hostage to get to the Walrus and keep his father's storytelling abilities. Corpora's choice kept Harmon from focusing on his first wish that would have kept him from ever going into Gulp City. Corpora's choice led them both into gulp City. Corpora's choice helped the sad city remember it's name. Basically, without Sorry, no one would ever know about the sea of Stories.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Holden Caulfield from “The Catcher in The Rye” Essay

â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye† the reader can see the world through his eyes as he is the one narrating the story in first person. Holden is a young teenager, the age of sixteen who is emotionally disturbed and confused boy who is entering the journey of adulthood. Holden is a typical teenager who is rather irritated and disgusted by the society that surrounds him. To me he comes across as a witty individual because of the way he makes fun of, as he likes to call it the â€Å"phony† people in society he comes across with in the novel. He is from a family formed of two parents who seem to be quite wealthy, as they live in an expensive part of New York most people have to be wealthy to live in New York. Holden also was two bothers, D.B. and Allie, Allie whom is dead at the age of thirteen and he has a younger sister Phoebe. During the novel we discover that Holden is rather depressed young man because of his past, with the death of his brother and the failings of his grades in the recent schools he has attended to, he has become unhappy which leads him to have a breakdown. It seems that Holden is very dissatisfied with life and has never had any help during his time of confusion so I figure he is rather week and in some parts of the novel he feels like committing suicide. Holden has a huge sense of moral values, which often seems to interfere with other people’s loss of values. Because of other peoples values he gets frustrated and thinks people are â€Å"phony†. Holden seems to be a rather mean person as you read his feelings and how he feels towards people but it is only what he thinks. When Holden does something wrong he feels really guilty about his behavior and it often eats him up inside. Like the time when he went out with Sally Hayes and he calls her â€Å"a pain in the ass† when she refuses to run away with him, after he feels really guilty and can barely stop thinking about it. He is also a person who can’t get things out of his mind when things bother him like when Ward Stradlater goes out with his old girlfriend Jane Gallagher; throughout the novel he thinks about it a lot and wonders how the date went. Holden hates the movies and loves books. Holden behavior while he is in New York going to bars and meeting women he acts like a adult by smoking and drinking, but he is very critical to others that live that kind of lifestyle. It would be rather hard to see myself as Holden or even acting like him even for a day because I’m very different from him and I’m not as critical towards people as he is. I think it would be difficult to be friends with him because I would always be wondering what he is thinking about me and usually when he does think of someone it is always in a negative way. But still it was easy to identify him because I have friends that are sort of like him and they act the same way.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development

The last decade has witnessed the emergence of an array of increasingly vibrant movements to harness science and technology (S&T) in the quest for a transition toward sustainability. These movements take as their point of departure a widely shared view that the challenge of sustainable development is the reconciliation of society's development goals with the planet's environmental limits over the long term. In seeking to help meet this sustainability challenge, the multiple movements to harness science and technology for sustainability focus on the dynamic interactions between nature and society, with equal attention to how social change shapes the environment and how environmental change shapes society. These movements seek to address the essential complexity of those interactions, recognizing that understanding the individual components of nature society systems provides insufficient understanding about the behaviour of the systems themselves. They are problem driven, with the goal of creating and applying knowledge in support of decision making for sustainable development. Finally, they are grounded in the belief that for such knowledge to be truly useful it generally needs to be â€Å"coproduced† through close collaboration between scholars and practitioners. The research and applications program that has begun to emerge from these movements has been called sustainability science by the National Research Council. This Special Feature high-lights this emerging program and some of the new results it is beginning to produce. The need for sustainable development initiatives to mobilize appropriate science and technology has long been recognized. Early research on sustainable yield management of renewable resources provided the foundation for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's seminal World Conservation Strategy, published in 1980. The case for making appropriate research and development (R&D) an integral component of sustainable development strategies was broadened by a number of international scientific organizations during the mid-1980s, promoted by the Brundtland Commission's report Our Common Future in 1987, and enshrined in the Agenda 21 action plan that emerged from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Over the succeeding decade, the discussion of how S&T could contribute more effectively to sustainability intensified, involving numerous researchers, practitioners, scientific academies, and development rganizations from around the world. By the time of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg in 2002, a broadly based consensus had begun to take shape on the most important ways in which S&T has already contributed to sustainability, on what new R&D is most important, and on what stands in the way of getting it done. Many of the most valuable contributions of S&T to sustainable development predate the term itself. These range from the â€Å"mundane technologies† that have improved delivery of basic needs for sanitation and cooking, through the yield enhancing, land saving accomplishments of the international agricultural research system, to the fundamental scholarship of geographers and anthropologists on nature society interactions. In more recent times, a host of R&D efforts explicitly aimed at promoting sustainability have been launched. These extend from a rich tradition of work on energy systems and ecosystem resilience to new initiatives in industrial ecology and earth system complexity. A feel for the breadth and scope of relevant R&D now underway around the world is suggested by the rapidly growing list of entries on the virtual â€Å"Forum on Science and Technology for Sustainability†. However, much remains to be done. Perhaps the strongest message to emerge from dialogues induced by the Johannesburg Summit was that the research community needs to complement its historic role in identifying problems of sustainability with a greater willingness to join with the development and other communities to work on practical solutions to those problems. This means bringing our S&T to bear on the highest-priority goals of a sustainability transition, with those goals defined not by scientists alone but rather through a dialogue between scientists and the people engaged in the practice of â€Å"meeting human needs while conserving the earth's life support systems and reducing hunger and poverty†. At the international level, the Johannesburg Summit, building on the United Nations Millennium Declaration, has defined these priorities in terms of the so-called â€Å"WEHAB† targets for water, energy, health, agriculture, and biodiversity. A more systematic study of internationally sanctioned goals and targets for a sustainability transition, together with an evaluation of the state of reporting and assessment on progress in attaining those goals, is provided by Parris and Kates in their contribution to this Special Feature. As important as this international consensus on goals and targets may be for targeting problem-driven research in support of a sustainability transition, however, it is not sufficient. A joint workshop held by the International Council for Sciences, the Third World Academy of Science, and the Initiative on Science and Technology for Sustainability concluded that â€Å"agenda setting at the global, continental, and even national scale will miss a lot of the most important needs. The transcendent challenge is to help promote the relatively `local' (place- or enterprise-based) dialogues from which meaningful priorities can emerge, and to put in place the local support systems that will allow those priorities to be implemented†. Where such systems exist, the production of usable, place-based knowledge for promoting sustainability has been impressive indeed. The commitment of sustainability science to problem-driven agenda setting does not mean that it has been confined to â€Å"applied† research. Indeed, pursuit of practical solutions to the pressing challenges of sustainability has driven the field to tackle an array of fundamental questions. The Friibergh Workshop on Sustainability Science identified a half-dozen such core conceptual questions that have been further developed through the virtual Forum on Science and Technology for Sustainability and are beginning to appear in the context of emerging agendas in other more established fields, such as global environmental change. Examples of the new sorts of research now beginning to emerge on several of those core questions are reported elsewhere in this Special Feature: Kates and Parris on â€Å"How are long-term trends in environment and development reshaping nature–society interactions in ways relevant to sustainability†; Turner et al. on â€Å"What determines the vulnerability or resilience of the nature–society systems in particular kinds of places and for particular types of ecosystems and human livelihoods? ; and Cash et al. on â€Å"How can today's relatively independent activities of research planning, observation, assessment, and decision support be better integrated into systems for adaptive management and societal learning? † The sustainability science program is also beginning to address a range of fundamental observational and methodological challenges. For example, H.  J. Schellnhuber and his colleagues at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research have developed innovative new answers to the question â€Å"How can the dynamic interactions between nature and society—including lags and inertia—be better incorporated in emerging models and conceptualizations that integrate the Earth system, human development, and sustainability. Wolfgang Lucht, writing in the IHDP Update, summarizes current work on answering â€Å"How can today's operational systems for monitoring and reporting on environmental and social conditions be integrated or extended to provide more useful guidance for efforts to navigate a transition toward sustainability and a number of groups are calling for re-examination of national and international social account measures to include sustainability considerations. Activities to advance the sustainability science program are moving forward on a number of fronts and at scales from the global to the local. One of the more up-to-date lists of programs and projects is maintained on the Forum on Science and Technology for Sustainability. As an indication of the range of activities underway internationally, the International Council for Science, Third World Academy of Sciences, Initiative on Science and Technology for Sustainability, and other organizations have formed a Consortium for promoting a coordinated international program of research, capacity building, and applications. The Earth System Science Partnership of the Global Environmental Change Programmes has launched a series of â€Å"Joint Projects on Sustainability† focused on problems of food security, water, and carbon management. An increasing number of international science assessments for environmental protection (e. g. , the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Millennium Ecosystem Assessments) are incorporating sustainability concerns. And a rapidly expanding set of multi-stakeholder â€Å"Partnerships for Sustainable Development† are developing in the wake of the Johannesburg Summit. An even greater variety of S&T-based efforts are underway at the local, regional, and national levels around the world. The research products of some of these efforts are beginning to appear in the published literature, although many of the relatively local results remain largely unknown beyond their places of origin and application. Sustainability science is not yet an autonomous field or discipline, but rather a vibrant arena that is bringing together scholarship and practice, global and local perspectives from north and south, and disciplines across the natural and social sciences, engineering, and medicine. Its scope of core questions, criteria for quality control and membership are consequently in substantial flux and may be expected to remain so for some time. Nonetheless, as the papers included in this Special Feature are meant to suggest, something different is surely â€Å"in the air,† something that is intellectually exciting, practically compelling, and might as well be called â€Å"sustainability science. †

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

No topic, just answer the following questions Assignment - 3

No topic, just answer the following questions - Assignment Example The syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. Down syndrome can be diagnosed during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. During pregnancy screening and diagnostic testing, are appropriate tests that detect whether a baby is likely to have Down syndrome or the likelihood of getting transferring the genetic abnormalities to the child. After birth, physical examination of the baby is enough for the doctor to diagnose the child with Down syndrome. This a birth abnormality in which a baby is born without the skull and the brain. This defect is a neural tube defect. This type of defect occurs during the first month of pregnancy before even the mother realizes she is pregnant. The causes of anencephaly are not well understood. However, there are factors that increase chances of having babies getting affected. Such factors include low intake of folic acid before pregnancy and in the early period of pregnancy. Mothers, who have low iron content due to low folic intake, are at risk of getting children with anencephaly. Anencephaly can be confirmed by diagnosis during and after pregnancy. During pregnancy, prenatal testing/screening testing is done to confirm the defect and other conditions. In some cases, the abnormality is usually not detected during pregnancy and confirmed immediately after birth through physical examination. An egg is usually released from the ovary during every normal cycle of the woman’s menses. At ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes fluid and elastic; this allows sperms to enter rapidly into the uterus into the fallopian tube for fertilization. Fertilization results when a sperm penetrates the egg. Five to eight days after fertilization has taken place, the blastocyst attaches itself to the uterine lining near the fundus in a process referred to as implantation. This process is completed within nine days. After the implantation, the next process involves the development of

The Problem of Authority in the Continental Reformers Assignment

The Problem of Authority in the Continental Reformers - Assignment Example Luther's detestations towards the power of the Catholic Church and the' legitimacy of the Pope's indulgences, for instance, were marked by the dictates of his belief in political realism which was coupled with the 'ethical consequences of his doctrines' (Davies 37. Scholars contend that Luther was an 'accomplished theologian politician' whose struggles were 'inner' and spiritual yet, he likewise took controversial political stands in order to defend his goals of religious reformation. This clearly depicts Luther's ambivalent position on religion and politics. Luther asserted that men needed the restrictions that laws provide and advocated absolute obedience to authority while upholding spiritual freedom (New 34). This contention on absolute obedience is dubious since Luther decried the same absolutism brought about by the 'indulgences' of the Pope. Furthermore, his overly passionate stance on the foreigners' exploitation of Germany evoked hostile resentment against the foreigners, as well as patriotism and indignation from the Germans (New 35). For many liberals and humanists in that period, Luther's type of reformation was fundamental - overly passionate and almost bordering on rebellion. John Calvin employed the same kind of radicalism in order to alter the political and social environments of his day. Fashioning social and political organizations completely from biblical principles, Calvin impressed on the people of Geneva, a very stringent moral system obtained from a literal reading of the Bible. These new impositions went through protestations as the people believed that they successfully dislodged the Papacy only to be disappointed by the experience of a similar form of the papacy with Calvin at the helm. Calvin's innovative political philosophy and social reforms had brought about a radical transformation in Europe. Zwingli, as compared Luther and Calvin who discussed various theologies in their writings and arguments, opted for a unified theme. Nevertheless, Zwingli tackled an analogous fundamental movement in the form of a very stringent Protestantism in which the Gospel was almost treated as a law (Bromiley 121). Zwingli's contribution to the social life of his generation cannot be discounted as his teachings became the foundation of social and organizational principles of the fundamentalist Protestants and the Puritans which later became the basis of the political and social structures of the English colonies in the United States. Zwingli's ideas were so pervasive that up until this day, the principles of a social organization still persist. Hence, Zwingli's reformation movement can be characterized as rather revolutionary and political as observed in his preoccupation with both clerical and secular politics (Bromiley 128).

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Health care marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health care marketing - Essay Example Each patient wants to receive quality health care services. Quality health care is a priority to every individual because it means life. Marketers in this field should identify the specific needs of the client and design health care products that target to address these needs. Comfort and care prove to be the leading need of the patient. Businesses in this field should seek to persuade the patient with quality in terms of effectiveness, comfort, speed, and specialized care. With many businesses in this field projecting inefficiencies in satisfying the patient and his family, a business that prioritizes these needs is likely to stand out among the competitors. Effective marketing should seek to persuade the patient and family with an assurance of expertise in health care provision, speedy diagnosis, and professional advice from consultants. With such conviction, patients will be able to try out a health care provider. If they derive satisfaction, clients will develop a level of loyalt y that is good for the business. On a different note, healthcare providers should adopt a new business culture. These businesses should give the patient the freedom to make an informed choice. This will only occur if these enterprises disclose the charges of their services prior to delivery of these services. A transparent health care system will enable compare prices between different health care providers. That comparison will enable the clients to choose the one that presents a higher utility worth the price. Majority of health care providers assume that patients do not need to know prices before hand. However, it is reasonable to let the patient make informed health care choices. The health care sector can increase clients through effective marketing and deliverance of quality health services. Understanding the specific needs of clients and designing services that seek to satisfy those needs should be a priority. A patient will visit a health care provider

Monday, August 26, 2019

Economic revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economic revolution - Essay Example The new system aimed to represent every social group in administrating the interaction as it directs the new economic relations that resulted from social production. This had then paved the way to fundamental changes in humanity. Man’s primitive individualistic nature had made the development into a society quite a struggle. On the contrary his weakness and egotistical character drive him to acquire help that oblige him to cooperate with the same specie in order to survive. This was very evident in the ancient culture wherein food serves as their main necessity that binds individuals into a hunting tribe. But with the changing world, man’s needs and desires likewise moves toward something higher. As civilization advances man’s original nature was inevitably revealed, exposing a self-centered creature that he actually is. If individualism would prevail, diversity and disorganization would surely disrupt the society including its fundamentals such as industrialization. With that danger, man had come up with ways to prevent such disaster. Tradition had been used to preserve the society by obliging the succeeding generations to adhere to the previous kin’s occupation. At some part, it had to use authoritarian rule to defend its existence forcing people to work on their assigned task; this greatly refers to politics. Then came â€Å"market system† courtesy of economics. Market system secured the existence of the society by giving liberty to its people to do what they think would lead to their monetary advantage. The idea of gain lures its people to follow a central guiding rule without the need for tradition or authority. Being a systemic process that promotes interaction between its people as buyer or seller it had succeed to operate effectively into a social framework. Intelligently dealing with man’s individualistic nature it creatively answers the problem of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Monopoly Power in the Computer Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Monopoly Power in the Computer Industry - Essay Example In a slack antitrust environment, Watson swiftly weeded out virtually all of IBM's once many electromechanical equipment rivals. To its huge credit, IBM and Tom Watson Jr. managed to retain this near-monopoly position through the long shift to totally electronic computing, creating the mainframe colossus of the 1960s and 1970s. Since then, monopoly power has been progressively and unavoidably dissipating. First arrived minicomputers, where IBM could never get more than a third of the business. Then, certainly came the PC and IBM's crucial decision to essentially pass its power on to Microsoft and Intel and, much less directly, to Cisco. As great as the power of these three companies is today, it's still restricted to a few relatively narrow industry segments that account for only a tiny share of total industry revenue. Further, even the joint global power of the three giants is nowhere near what IBM alone enjoyed in its halcyon days. Understandably, the computer business has become more competitive over time. But now the Internet has come up to finish off the job. Already, the emergence of non-PC devices and the invariably problematic plug-compatible chip competition have helped confine Intel. Now, the accelerating shift from packaged software to Web services promises to restrain Microsoft's once uncontrolled ambitions. Finally, the shift from in-house corporate networks to public carrier services will inescapably undo Cisco's still-iron grip on the data-communications-equipment industry. All three companies should continue to flourish tremendously, but their power has already begun to fade.People frequently ask who the next Microsoft or Intel will be. The simple answer is "No one." Although there will certainly be many huge new Internet companies, there probably won't be any major new monopolists.  Ã‚  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Video review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Video review - Essay Example This is a goal that will take me many years to accomplish, but I know that I can do it. I also know that I want to work in a way that will allow me to travel more than I can right now. Traveling the world is something that really is appealing to me. I already speak a few languages and hope to develop this skill through more travel. There is a lot of pleasure to be had in traveling, but I believe that there is even more to be had in living and being immersed in a different culture. I hope to use my PhD in a way that will allow me to travel and live abroad for extended periods of time. I know that it sounds as though these two goals are only professional goals, but my profession is a huge part of my life. I want to have a life defined by accomplishing these two goals. Exercise #2 I have felt like some of the students featured in this video. I can still remember being in classes where the way the teacher addressed various students was very demeaning. He seemed to feel that unless you fi t into a very narrow definition of what a good student was, and then he had not time for you. I have been made to feel inferior because of my ethnicity and because of my gender. I know that traditional biases have been against women and minorities, but the biases do not end there in the classroom. I have witnessed white, male students demeaned in history classes because of the history of colonialism of the European powers. I remember thinking to myself, â€Å"Why is this professor treating this guy so badly, just because he is a male of European descent?† I mean, it isn’t like he personally owned slaves or colonized Africa. Having seen and been the subject of biased treatment from professors has made me determined to never treat my students this way. While watching the video, it occurred to me that much of the cultural bias displayed was generated from a desire to be in control and to be powerful. There is no better way to keep power than to convince everyone else that they are somehow inferior to you. I want to have a community of learners in my classroom, not a situation where I need to tear others down just to prove my superiority in some way. Exercise #3 In my class, all students will be honored. I recognize that we are all adults in this course and we all are here to better ourselves in one way or another. Most of us are here on our own accord, so we deserve to have a meaningful educational experience free from sarcasm, bias or harassment of any sort. As a result, I believe that the following guidelines need to apply in this classroom. The first guideline concerns student comments. There are a variety of ways individuals from various cultures express themselves orally. In this class, everyone will be expected to only offer encouraging and academically appropriate comments. This does not mean we can never disagree or think critically. It means that we need to keep our communication focused on what was said and not how it was said. The second guideline concerns student learning. Everyone learns differently. One person may feel that a project or research assignment is a great opportunity to learn, while another views it as drudgery. I would like you to keep an open mind about the assignments in the course, saving criticism for the assignments and not directing it at other group members or myself. By doing this, you ensure everyone can learn in the manner that is most fitting for their individual learning style. Finally, I need to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Credit cards from the legal perspective (special reference to UAE) Research Paper

Credit cards from the legal perspective (special reference to UAE) - Research Paper Example . Now, UAE has become a developed market for the usage of credit card due to consumer awareness and due to introduction of innovative creditcard products. There is an allegation about the UAE card issuers that they are charging exorbitant service charges from cardholders in UAE. Further, issuing of creditcards to all the migrant workers without verifying their credit status has brought many legal issues. This research essay will look into in general about creditcards with particular emphasis to the legal issues arising out of credit card business in UAE. CREDITCARDS FROM THE LEGAL PERSPECTIVE (SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UAE) Introduction In UAE, the creditcards are regarded as an essential part of life of UAE citizens as it is being regarded in other parts of the world. Creditcards convenient have come to limelight as it is being recognised everywhere today and because of its acceptable and convenient form of payment. The right usage of credit card offers the cardholder a flexible form of credit payment and may enhance the user’s credit standing, and one may even accrue rewards awarded by creditcard issuers. Nowadays, creditcards have become a common medium of payment. Creditcards are easy to carry, and it is safer than carrying cash. ... However, if a customer uses a credit card without any rationale, it could be devastating as quick sand. It is alleged that lenders can exploit gullible credit cardholders with the exorbitant interest rates and other penalties like delay for making payment or adding penal interest for late payment. As of today, about 68% of creditcards are being used as a transactional medium by consumers for their convenience who are likely to repay their balances on a monthly basis without any default. As per recent research study made by VISA , as compared to six years ago, there was about 50% of creditcards generated no interest at all to the issuers and whereas now, it is estimated at 60% of cards are being reported to have generated no interest. The popularity of creditcards can be attributed to the convenience in nature and also the credit facility it offers to card holders. Credit card offers not only convenience but also has substituted checks which is the traditional mode of payment for any purchases earlier. Credit card does not require to maintain adequate cash reserves to meet contemporary expenses. It is estimated that about 23% of consumer transactions are being carried over creditcards. Cardholders are permitted to carry interest-free balances for about sixty days as the cardholder is allowed to enjoy the credit not only throughout the credit cycle but also offers a grace period of 20 days after the lapse of the credit period. If a cardholder pays the balances within the credit period, he can avoid the payment of any interest on his credit purchases through his card. It is to be noted that consumers are chiefly employing credit card as an alternative for checks instead of considering it as a source of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Share a presentation on a CD Essay Example for Free

Share a presentation on a CD Essay Introduction: For this unit I have been asked to produce a specification for an ICT system that will meet the needs of the company. The company that I will be providing the ICT system is called Mags Estate Agents, the main goal for the company is to sell and rent homes for their clients and arrange mortgages for buyers and provide other services. The company is new and they are thing of opening an office in a town or a village and they need a computer system that will be used by the staff. The company needs a system that will do many tasks and the company is hoping to find a system that will do: Â  Show multimedia presentations of the houses available to prospective buyers. Keep records of properties for sale that can be searched based on buyer requirements. Keep records of clients and buyers, including their requirements. Produce large numbers of high quality letters, property information sheets and other documents in color. Â  Send personalized letters to all buyers looking for a particular type of property. Access competitors websites to check what properties they are offering. Send and receive emails. Â  Keep a diary for all staff of appointments with clients and buyers to view properties. I will also been ask to include a system that will allow the computers to connect to the LAN. Inputs: This is what the company is expected to input in their computer system: The clients name, address, telephone and other details and also the company Company requirements the size of the family, age of the family members and if any of the family members need special needs. The company will also need to input the details of property, the size of the house the clients looking for, what area they are looking for, how many bedrooms they are looking for and if they want a garden or a garage or a front lone. The company will also need store the information about the house prices and if the property is available or not and also need to store details about the clients. The company will also need to find a way of keeping the entire client appoints time and place to meet the staff; they will have to find a way to prioritise their prospective buyers and their needs. Outputs: This is what the company is expected to output out of their computer system: They company will need to produce newsletters for their staff, and also produce business cards for their customers and clients. They also need print out a list of what houses are available to be sold and rented and which are not. They also need print out statistics and their database. The company will also need print out their multimedia presentations to give it there staff in the meetings. They will also need to print out records of staff and clients. They will also need to print out property information sheet so that they can advertise their property. They will also have to print out there e-mail they receive form clients and form other branches. They may also need to print out there toolbars that they made out of the information they collected form the client. Required software: Mags Estate Agents needs software to carry out their tasks, they will need softwares that could allows them to create newsletters, presentation, letters, questionnaire sheets, web browser, create information database and also need a operating system. These are the softwares that I will be recommending to Mags Estate Agents to use: Operating system: An operating system is what allows the computer perform the tasks the user is doing and the newer the operating system the better it gets, and a operating system is a special computer program that manages the relationship between application software, I will be recommending Microsoft Windows XP professional because it is the newest and XP professional is more stable then the other system and it will handle most of what Mags Estate Agents will need to do with out crashing and Defend the PC Against Viruses, Worms and Hackers with Advanced Security installed freely. Multimedia software: Mags Estate Agents will need multimedia software that allows them to create presentations for clients and their staff and also to make posters to advertise their company. For this task I will be recommending Microsoft PowerPoint because Microsoft PowerPoint has Help Control Presentation Distribution, Share a Presentation on a CD, Broaden Your Reach, Mark up Slides, Bring Presentations to Life with Custom Animations, Add Impact with Graphics and Tap the Power of Smart Tags, and all these features make Microsoft PowerPoint the perfect choice and it also cheep the other competitors. Database Software: Megs Estate Agents will need database software because they will need to keep clients details, meeting times and place and also keep of tracks of statistics. I will be recommending Microsoft Access because this software can do may tasks: Incorporate a Wide Range of Data Sources, Get the Most from Your Enterprise Data, Link Business Systems, Take Advantage of Flexible XML Import and Export, Share Information More Efficiently, Publish Forms and Reports on the Web, Deploy Access 2003 Without Missing a Beat, Run Macros with More Confidence, Help Block Potentially Unsafe Functions, Back Up Your Information in a Snap. View Dependency Information, Let Access 2003 Check for Errors, Choose AutoCorrect Options, Find the Help You Need Get Context-Based Help in SQL View, Update Properties Automatically, Dress Up Your Database and Polish Your Forms, Save Time with Smart Tags, Analyze Information in Powerful Ways and Format Fonts in SQL Views, these are the features that makes Microsoft Assess and leading database software and this is why I recommended Microsoft Assess Word processing software: Megs Estate Agents will need Word processing software because they will have to produce letters newsletters.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Good vs Evil in King Lear Essay Example for Free

Good vs Evil in King Lear Essay Life will always bestow us with choices which we must wisely choose either a moral or immoral response to. Shakespeare exemplifies goodness and wickedness in King Lear. The play presents a powerful manifestation of loyalty, specifically through the characters Kent, Edgar, and Cordelia. Kent’s unrestricted loyalty to Lear remains stable throughout the play. He recognizes Lear’s tragic flaw and remains faithful, even after being banished. His reliability is further divulged when he attacks Oswald, Goneril’s loyal servant. Kent’s defensive actions result in him being placed in the stocks. This sacrifice adds to his loyal attitude of pursuing the King’s well-being and safety. Oswald is loyal to Goneril, and acts well as a contrasting character to Kent. They both share the attribute of loyalty; however Oswald’s loyalty is based on immoral decisions, while Kent’s is not. Following Lear’s death, Kent foreshadows that he too will pass on, reuniting himself with Lear. Furthermore, Edgar is betrayed by his evil, manipulative brother, and he is forced to disappear. Edgar’s goodness is displayed when he treats Gluocester with kindness, regardless of his father’s misjudgment. In addition, Edgar gives his father strength by saving his life making him believe a deity has saved him from jumping off a cliff. This renaissance causes Gluocester to think and act more wisely in future endeavors. Edgar and Kent’s morality and loyalty are not affected by their mistreatment provided by their superiors, which ultimately verifies them as accurate symbols of good. Cordelia is an exemplar for true virtue in her acts of forgiveness and loyalty towards her father. Lear, distressed by his beloved daughter’s response of â€Å"nothing† to his love test, banishes Cordelia and denies her any land and power. Lear turning his back on Cordelia foretells destruction, since she is one of the only people in Lear’s life that is loyal and express’s genuine feelings towards him. Furthermore, she foreshadows her death by returning to the kingdom to the aid of her father. She understands the dangers of returning, but despite these dangers she continues to emanate loyalty. Shakespeare delivers the existence of suffering through the presence of good and evil. Through Kent, Edgar, and Cordelia, Shakespeare has made it apparent that evil is unavoidable, yet virtue, loyalty, and forgiveness is rooted to everyone. It takes certain individuals to have the courage and power to be able to express these moral characteristics.

Marketing Strategy of Big Bazaar India

Marketing Strategy of Big Bazaar India In this assignment, I have described its marketing strategies and promotional activities. The assignment is based on the effective marketing strategy which influences customer to purchase a product of Big Bazaar helps to understand the effect of marketing strategy which is responsible for attracting customer towards big bazaar. The research was carried out as per the steps of Marketing Research. The well supportive objectives were set for the study. To meet the objectives primary research was undertaken. The data collection approach adopted was experimental research. Big Bazaar is the fastest growing and most successful Retail chain in India. Big bazaar is the first retail chain to be started in India and is the largest until now. In the later part of the assignment I have applied 4Ps marketing strategy to show that how Big Bazaar has reached from introduction stage to growth stage and observed via some points that this company is right now in growth stage of Product Life Cycle model. I have also analyzed the SWOT showing how this company made its brand more effective. I have also described some suggestions to improve its brand image towards customers. Contents INTRODUCTION: BIG BAZAAR is a name renowned in Retail. It is now a brand image in private retail sector. Wal-Mart is the retail stores of USA and is known all over the world for its fashionable and affordable materials and is known as one of the best in its field, big bazaar can be said as the Wal-Mart of India running a chain of more than 100 retail stores in India. People around the country thinks that big bazaar is inspired from Wal-Mart and it is quite obvious to think as Wal-Mart is world leading chain of retail shopping but actually the idea of big bazaar came to the CEO Kishore Biyanifrom a 25 years old store Saravana which was owned by a family and worked on the philosophy of low margin high turnover. Following its slogan of isse sasta or achha kahin nahi(Meaning cannot find cheaper and better than this anywhere) it provides the consumer with the best of the materials at a rate less than rest of the market. Big bazaar is the subsidiary of Future Group, Pantaloons Retail India ltd. The brain behind big bazaar is the CEO of Future Group Mr. Kishore Biyani Future group is has various brands like Pantaloons, F123, Copper Chimney, Etam, Staples, One Mobile, Urbana, Brand Factory, LootMart, HomeTown and Central. Big bazaar covers all parts of India including the metro cities Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, and Mumbai. Big bazaar started with its first store in Kolkata, west Bengal in 2001 and now owns more than 100 stores all over India making itself the fastest growing retail chain in India and leaving all its competitors behind. WHY BIG BAZAAR? Indian retail sector is witnessing one of the most hectic Marketing activities of all times. The companies are fighting to win the hearts of customer. There is always a first mover advantage in an upcoming sector. This advantage goes to BIG BAZAAR in India. It has brought about many changes in the buying behavior of people as Big Bazaar provides all items in one roof at low rates. The consumers preferences are changing they are moving from shops stores to Modern Retail outlet. Its the main challenge to the Modern retail outlets to attract the customers towards them from that of competitors. To attract more customers companies have to carry out the promotional activities in unique way. BIG BAZAAR has maintained that uniqueness has succeeded in attracting customers. The promotional activity of the company, which famous as Less Price than others as it saysNobody Sells Cheaper and Better!is made its place in minds of customer. As the competition is becoming stiff in the market the activities conducted by the company are unique, that have brought fruitful result to the company. Among them sales Promotions is one of the leading activity or unique among all other activities has high influence on the customer walk-in. OBJECTIVES: To know the effective marketing strategy which influence customer to purchase a product of Big Bazaar. To know the marketing and promotional strategy of big bazaar. How Big Bazaar Establish and maintain its position in retailing through promotion. LITERATURE REVIEW: RELATED CASE STUDY: A lot of case studies have been done before on this topic and its different aspects as my focus is on leading towards success through the low cost strategy which is followed by big bazaar, one of them is described below: Building brand through challenge: In 2001, PRIL opened its first Big Bazaar, a 30,000 square feet store in Kolkata. The major USP of the Big Bazaar, store was low pricing. These stores offered the best price proposition to customers. As part of this, the stores focused less on branded items and more on unbranded products with the same quality as branded ones, at a much cheaper rate. Commenting on this, Biyani said, We are not in the business of selling ambience, but in the business of giving the best possible deals to our consumers. The first Food Bazaar was set up in Lower Parel in suburban Mumbai in 2001. Food Bazaars represent PRILs foray into yet another value retailing business, focusing on food and grocery products. These stores were designed based on PRILs understanding of the emotional and rational needs of Indian housewives The tremendous success of the Pantaloons, Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar retailing formats, easily made PRIL, the #1 retailer in India by the early 2004, in terms of turnover and retail area occupied by its outlets. In the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003, PRIL increased its retail area by 66% to 586,000 sq. ft and reported revenues of Rs 4.45 billion, a 56% increase over fiscal 2002. Its net profits rose by 63% to Rs. 114.1 million in fiscal 2002-03, over the previous year. Big Bazaar has positioned itself as a value for money proposition for Indian family retail store. They wanted to promote Big Bazaar as a retail store which gives its customers maximum advantage over other retail stores by catering to all their needs budget wise and income level wise. Sabse Saste 3 Din'(the cheapest 3 days) brain child ofMr. Sadashiv Nayak, President Big Bazaar and Rajan Malhotra, President Strategy and Convergence, Big Bazaar, believe that Consumers are always looking for best value for their money. Big Bazaars Sabse Saste 3 Din is a great opportunity for them to save money and gets best products at the best possible prices. These three days have come to truly signify freedom from high prices for consumers in the country. Maha Bachat ( save money) was introduced five years back ( in the year 2006 ) and it is still running very successfully. It is known as one of Indias mega shopping campaign. Continuing its efforts to provide the best shopping deals and savings to Indian consumers, Big Bazaar is always set to make Republic Day and Independence Days shopping, truly memorable, with rock bottom prices, best possible discounts and mega offers. Apart from the flagship Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar stores, other future group retail formats like Furniture Bazaar, Electronic Bazaar, Depot, and Home Bazaar stores are also a part of this mega campaign. From daily household needs of food and grocery to apparels, RETAIL INDUSTRY IN INDIA: India has one of the largest numbers of retail outlets in the world. Of the 12 million retail outlets present in the country, nearly 5 million sell food and related products. Thought the market has been dominated by unorganized players, the entry of domestic and international organized players is set to change the scenario. Organized retail segment has been growing at a blistering pace, exceeding all previous estimates. According to a study by Deloitte Haskins and Sells, organized retail has increased its share from 5 % of total retail sales in 2006 to 8 % in 2007. The fastest growing segments have been the wholesale cash and carry stores (150%) followed by supermarkets (100%) and hypermarkets (75-80%). Further, it estimates the organized segment to account for 25 per cent ofthe total sales by 2011. India retail industry is the largest industry in India, with an employment of around 8% and contributing to over 10% of the countrys GDP. Retail industry in India is expected to rise 25% yearly being driven by strong income growth, changing life styles, and favorable demographic patterns. It is expected that by 2016 modern retail industry in India will be worth US$ 175 -200 billion. India retail industry is one of the fastest growing industries with revenue expected in 2007 to amount US$320 billion and is increasing at a rate of 5% yearly. A further increase of 7-8% is expected in the industry of retail in India by growth in consumerism in urban areas, rising incomes, and a steep rise in rural consumption. It has further been predicted that the retailing industry in India will amount to US$21.5 billion by 2010 from the current size of US$ 7.5 billion. Shopping in India has witnessed a revolution with the change in the consumer buying behavior and the whole format of shopping also altering. Industry of retail in India which has become modern can be seen from the fact that there are multi- stored malls, huge shopping centers, and sprawling complexes which offer food, shopping, and entertainment all under the same roof. India retail industry is progressingwell and for this to continue retailers as well as the Indian government will have to make a combined effort. 4PS OF MARKETING: Marketing is the promotion of products, especially advertising branding. Marketing practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. Marketing mix is a deciding factor in formulating marketing techniques for the success of a particular brand, commodity or company. The components of marketing mix are: Product Price Place Promotion Source: PRODUCT: Big Bazaar offers the maximum variety for every category of product. The product is the same in every store in the city but the brand options are more in Big Bazaar and the quantity for each product is not limited to large packs only. The commodities sold by the retail chain includes its own products which get a ready distribution network. The own products of Big Bazaar include My World fashion magazine which is not available anywhere else. So costs are very low for such products. PRICE: Price is the critical point in a competitive industry. Big Bazaar works on a low cost model. It considers its discounted price as its USP. There is an average discount of 6-8% on all items in respect to their MRP. Prices of products are low because it is able to secure stock directly from the manufacturer. There are huge synergies in terms of bulk purchasing, transportation and central warehousing. These all factors are very helpful for the retailers to keep low prices. PLACE: Place means the location of the business. Big Bazaar has always worked on cheap locations. It targets semi-urban population with its placement. Its strategy is to find a low-cost location and it never goes for hot spots in the city. It relied on promotional activities to make up for unattractive locations. Another strategy used by Big Bazaar to overcome location disadvantage is use of internet. It has launched a merchandise retailing website which targets high-end customers ready to use credit cards. The promotion of this website is done through advertisement on Google. The website is put as sponsored link. PROMOTION: Big Bazaar has huge promotion budgets. The biggest idea behind all advertisements is to make people do bulk shopping. There are 2 types of promotional strategies of big bazaar. One is the advertisement which promotes the brand and creates awareness towards people. It is not targeted at promoting each store but only creates an image of Big Bazaar as low-cost shopping option. The store has advertised through TV, road shows and also started reality show-typed promotional campaign The Big Bazaar Challenge. Promotions like Sabse Sasta Din(Cheapest Day) are a very successful strategy to get good results. In this products across categories such as furniture, electronics, utensils, apparels and food products at the lowest possible prices, coupled with attractive promotional schemes. Some of the most attractive offers being a 20-litre branded microwave oven with grill for Rs 2,399, jeans and trousers for Rs 199 and HCL laptops for Rs 22,800. Buy 2 Get 1 Free types of promotions are very common. Original prices are cut down and new prices are shown, of which customer takes quick notice. There are loyalty schemes which reward regular clients. CURRENT POSITIONING STRATEGY OF BIG BAZAAR: Big Bazaar is holding a strong position in the market and is growing very fast. It captures the maximum Indian market and with a strong financial background and it has to go a long way through. The low price strategy it is successfully running its business all over India and is still growing bigger and bigger. The following graph shows the Product Life Cycle of Big Bazaar which is currently at the growth stage. Source: Looking at the product life cycle of big bazaar it can be seen that it is in the growth stage at this point of time and still have a lot scope to grow. It is said that: Cheap prices are a luxury for the rich but a necessity or a need for the poor. So Big bazaar has understood the need of a vast population of the upper middle class and middle class people of the country and in fact no matter how rich a person is wherever he/she can get good brands at a cheaper rates they will be attracted towards it whether an average or a rich person. RETENTION STRATEGY: Big Bazaar strive to foster a feeling of well-being in their employees through care and respect, Big Bazaar have several structured processes including employee mentoring and grievance management programmers which are intended to facilitate a friendly and cohesive organization culture. Off -site activities are encouraged to improve interpersonal relationship. Big Bazaar also acknowledge the efforts exerted by their employees by organization an annual celebration called Pantaloon Day where Big Bazaar recognize employees who have shown exceptional talent, sincerity and dedication. Big Bazaar have implemented an employee suggestion programme called Prerna wherein the employee can give their suggestions. Every quarter the best suggestion received per zone per format is awarded prize called Golden Cap. BIG BAZAARS NEW MARKETING STRATEGY: Big Bazaar has launched new marketing strategy which is based on Guerrilla Marketing. Guerrilla marketing warfare strategies are a type of marketing warfare strategy designed to wear-down the enemy by a long series of minor attacks, using principles of surprise and hit-and-run tactics. Attack, retreat, hide, then do it again and again, until the competitor moves on to other markets. Guerrilla force is divided into small groups that selectively attack the target at its weak points. In the world of cut throat competition, corporate use extension of the same strategy in marketing. Corporate like Pepsi, Coke etc have been using the same for quite some time now and the latest entrant is our very own Future Group- Big Bazaar, Future Bazaar, Pantaloons, e Zone are all part of this group and they are taking on the biggies like Shoppers Stop, Lifestyle, and Tatas Westside. In order to do the same, Future Group have come up with 3 catchy and cheeky ad campaigns which surely do catch our eyes a nd surely one cant resist appreciating the same. ADVERTISING: THE ESSENTIAL OF BRAND BUILDING PROCESS- Advertising is an essential component of brand building. The advertisement and brand building is done through various ways, the techniques used are: Tag-line:Big Bazaar tag-lines are the key components of advertising. These tag-lines are modified according to demographic profile of customers. These catch-phrases appeared on hoardings and newspapers in every city where Big Bazaar was launched. Print Ads:Big Bazaar newspaper advertisements are present just before launch of any new scheme. TV Ads:Kishore Biyani spends a lot of money in brand building exercise. Big Bazaar commercials are shown on various channels in India. Presently, Fashion at Big Bazaar commercial is aired. Road-side Advertisements:Big Bazaar bill-boards are displayed on prime locations in various cities as a brand building exercise. They display the catch-phrases now-a-days. Radio Ads:This technique is used in cities like Sangli (Tier 1 / Tier 2 cities).Now-a-days, it is replaced by advertisements on FM channels. This informs customers about all new happenings at Big Bazaar. For example: The departmental store chain Big Bazaar has launched a commercial sometime back to promote The Great Exchange Offer. The commercial portrays how customers can exchange any old and broken items (junk) and get new products at a discounted price from Big Bazaar. Customer can get the amazing prices for junk. The month of January and February is generally a low-key affair in terms of customer footfalls and revenue generation. Innovative, out of the box promotions is one of the effective ways to draw customer attention and shore up the revenue. Historically Exchange schemes have been used to induce better sales; it also has a strong appeal with the Indian mindset of getting value even for their junk, states an official release from Big Bazaar. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths: Maximum number of varieties: People prefer those places where they can get the maximum products they need and Big Bazaar provides vast range of products under one roof helping in attracting customer and their family to shop together and enjoy the experience. High brand equity: Big Bazaar has created high brand equity through its promotions and marketing it has created a different image for its products as the cheap and best. Largest chain of retail marketing in India: Big Bazaar is the first retail chain to be started in India and is the largest and successful until now. High capacity investment: Big Bazaar offers 1,70,000 products and owns more than 100 retail stores all over India and has the strong financial background as being the subsidiary of future groups which owns the pantaloons which is one of the biggest the industries in mens wear in India and have its work is spread all over India. Future group is one of the leading groups in India. Everyday new promotions and schemes of low prices and discounts: Big Bazaar always offers new schemes of low prices and gives discounts in products like Big Bazaar offers the sabse saste 3 din ( the cheapest 3 days) in which it offers the lowest of prices than other days. Facilities like online booking and delivery of goods: It is not just a chain of retail shopping but also provides online shopping facility to the consumers. Weaknesses: Overcrowded: During offers, promotions and even on weekends the place is overcrowded with people and sometime even there is the situation of closing the store due to it. Checkout can be extremely slow: There can be seen a long queue on the billing counters making the consumer wait for hours due to the slow service and the crowd. Perception of low price=low quality: Generally people think that if any product has low price then the quality of the product will be low as they think quality comes with price. Targets at the middle class and upper middle class only: It targets at the middle and upper middle class due to which it ignores the upper and elite class people as they are the cream of the society who are ready to pay any price for the quality and product they need. Opportunities: Big Bazaar can enter into production of various products due to its in depth understanding of customers tastes andpreferences. Nowadays people prefer going to one big store and buy everything instead of visiting different places for different items and waste time. So Big Bazaar can expand the business in smaller cities as there is a lot of opportunity. Lot of potential inthe rural market. Threats: High business risk involved: Big Bazaar investment is very large so it is obvious that there is high business risk involved. Lot of competitors: There are a lot of countries which are planning to enter the Indian market like Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Tesco which is a big threat to Big Bazaar. Less Parking Space: Customers are not satisfied with the parking space availability provided by Big Bazaar. Hence its a threat of Big Bazaar as it may loose its customers because of less parking space availability. In holidays it will be very difficult for customers to park their vehicle in Big Bazaar. Unorganized retailing: Unorganized retail stores are a threat to the business of big bazaar as now also people prefer to go to the local stores which are convenient enough for them. COMPARITIVE ANALYSIS: BIG BAZAAR V/S VISHAL MEGA MART Vishal Mega Mart ( FOR DETAILS REFER APPENDIX) Fields Big bazaar Vishal mega mart Price Big Bazaar prices are very low because its adopt the low price marketing strategy. Vishal Mega Mart prices are not low because they give whatever is market price. Service Big Bazaar services are not quite good as billing problem due to crowd and less parking space. Vishal Mega Mart does not face these kind of problems as its not overcrowded. Ambience Product variety Big Bazaar has lots of variety in every category of products. In Big Bazaar people can find almost everything. Vishal Mega Mart dont have so much varieties as it is smaller than Big Bazaar. Convenience Big Bazaar has always worked in cheap location so that it is very convenient for the people to go to the Big Bazaar rather than going outer of the city. Vishal Mega Mart also works in low cost loacation but it is not so much popular in comparison of Big Bazaar as showrooms of Vishal Mega Mart are less than Big Bazaar. Shopping experience In Big Bazaar people can buy the maximum variety of products of every category under one roof helping in attracting customer and their family to shop together and enjoy the shopping experience. Vishal Mega Mart also provides the products under one roof but there is not so much varieties so that customers dont attract so they can not enjoy their shoppings Product quality The product quality is good in Big Bazaar because people can find cheap and best things in Big Bazaar. The product quality is also good in Vishal Mega Mart but the prices are very high. RECOMMENDATIONS: Big bazaar should keep offers in regular intervals so that there should not be a long term gap, because offer is the most influencing factor which is responsible for customer purchase decision. Big bazaar should start emphasizing more on internet shopping along with the formal retail shopping because a large population of the country likes to shop online in order to save time. Along with the different discounts and offers it should pay attention towards the students and provide some offers for them also because half of the Indian population is of youths and students. It should work on its billing counters and customer service in order to solve the problem of long queues and waiting customers. CONCLUSION: Big Bazaar is undoubtedly the number one retailer in India. It has built a very emotional and cordial relationship with its customers. It is also very intending to built long-term relationship with all its stakeholders, which is very essential for a successful business venture. It is observed that the organization hierarchy is professional as all the departmental Managers directly report to the store manager who in turn reports to the Zonal Head. Big Bazaar, with 25 years of experience in the field of weaving fabrics, is the leading Apparels and fashion design fabric company. There exist a healthy and positive relationship between employees and managers. The employees accept their responsibilities wholeheartedly, accept that it is their responsibilities to carry out a part of the activities of the company and they will be held accountable for the quality of their work. It is found that more than 60% of employees are of the age group of 20-35. Fromthis it reveals thatcompany is having young and energetic workforce who are very creative, enthusiastic and also very determined to grow in their career and in turn helping the company to grow. Working environmentis good and also the various facilities provided helps in motivating the employees. The company is reaching out to all the sections of the society as it is creating a hypermarket where not only the rich people shop but also the middle and the lower class customers come to enjoy the whole shopping experience. Moreover the customer friendly ambiance and the organized retailing of products also make Big Bazaar one of the successful retail industries in India. REFRENCES: Abhay, 2008. Big Bazaar. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2011]. Admin, 2009. Marketing Mix. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 March 2011]. Berry, T., 2008. How to Perform SWOT Analysis. PaloAltoSoftware,Inc. Bhasin, R., n.d. Big Bazaar Case Analysis. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 March 2011]. Bhatia, H., 2010. Big Bazaar. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 March 2011]. Cook, S., 2011. Big Bazaar India. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 March 2011]., 2010. Future Bazaar India Ltd. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 March 2011]. Group, F., 2008. Future Group. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2011]. Gupta, N., 2010. Big Bazaar Maha Bachat. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 March 2011]. Kotler, P., n.d. In Marketing Management. 12th ed. Kumar, V., 2010. Promotional Strategy of Big Bazaar Maintaining the image in Retailing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 March 2011]. Malhotra, R., 2008. Big Bazaar Indias Real Retail Story. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2011]. Mital, D., 2010. Big Bazaar: a Review. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 March 2011]. Rakesh, 2011. Big Bazaar. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 March 2011]. Raman, A. Winig, L., 2006. Big Bazaar. Harvard Business Review, p.23. Rao, V.S.R., 2010. Big Bazaar. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 March 2011]. Sankar, M., 2009. Big Bazaar The hypermarket. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2011]. Sumesh, 2008. Sasta Shopping. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 March 2011].

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay -- English Literature Ame

The Great Gatsby The main theme of the novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby† focuses on the American Dream and it is portrayed through the life of Jay Gatsby. Through Gatsby’s life we see the withering of the American Dream, a tragedy that struck Jay’s near finished dream. The American Dream is what many have hoped of achieving, it has existed in the past and is in the present. The American Dream gives people a goal that they can work towards, it also gives them a purpose in life. The American Dream represents luxury and wealth it believes the goodness of the quality of life. For Jay Gatsby, he was so close to achieving the American Dream. He had the wealth and the class, all he needed was his long lost love, Daisy. Gatsby truly believed that he could once again be together with Daisy we see this when he says "Can't repeat the past?" he cried incredulously. "Why of course you can" (P. 116). However what made the story such a tragedy was that Gatsby came so close to wining Daisy however h e was killed by Mr. Wilson which he was just inches away from successfully completing the American Dream. In the past, only a small amount of the American Dream turned out to be successful, most have failed. Many people who did not achieve the American Dream ended up committing suicide or other means of giving up on life because they believe there was no other purpose in life. Gatsby represent the American Dream in many ways, in order to accomplish his Dream he knew exactly what he desired, when Jay met Dan Cody at the shore of Lake Superior, Dan shown him a vision of success a vision of what wealth would offer, the excitement of being rich. Jay Gatsby has an ambitious nature, there for he would do anything just to live the American Dream. He started by building a past, he changed his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby in an attempt to construct a foundation for his dream. He then composed an image for Jay Gatsby, a well gentleman who was born in the west, educated at oxford and fought in World War I. Gatsby was then able to attain a great deal of money working with Meyer Wolfsheim. He then bought a huge mansion in the â€Å"West Egg†, however he would throw extravagant parties in hoping of attracting his long lost love Daisy, the one who he had an affair with before he went to the war. Nick describes Gatsby’s feelings about Daisy: "He hadn't once ceased looking at Daisy and I think t... ...d him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg which had just emerged pale and enormous from the dissolving night" (P. 167) He believed that god would justify his actions since god is watching through the eyes of Dr. Eckleberg. So he shot Jay Gatsby whom he thought Myrtle was having an affair with, then he shot himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All things said, I think the hope of the American Dream is more than hard to achieve. Not everyone can find that perfect soul mate and not everyone can stay wealthy for a long period. Especially during this revolutionary century, money is easily earned but also easily lost. I think for many people the American Dream is a purpose for life, a difficult goal for ambitious people like Gatsby to reach. Personally, I do not believe this, I believe that we should live a mediocre life, so that our whole life is even. Unlike how some people work three quarters of their life to enjoy that one quarter life of the American Dream. In the end you will lose all your friends and perhaps even your life if you don’t succeed. To me the moral of the book meant enjoy your life while it lasts, you only have so much time to enjoy it.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Religion as a Tool of Conquest in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart Ess

Religion as a Tool of Conquest in Things Fall Apart  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the white men who come to Umuofia find success in conquering the village by challenging Ibo religion. Because the first white men to appear in Umuofia were missionaries, the slaughter of Ibo society began with the challenging of the highly-regarded religion of the Ibo people. The white men began their religious assault by openly denouncing the many gods worshipped by the Ibo in order to convert them to the new faith. After accomplishing this, the white men set out to prove that the Christian religion was superior to all others by defying the powers of the Ibo gods when they built their church upon the cursed ground of the Evil Forest. With the Ibo religion being proved powerless, the converts began challenging their former religion by killing the sacred python, revered by the people of Umuofia. By attacking the fundamental teachings of the natives’ religion, the Christians were able to effectively conquer the Ibo people. The Christians first step in taking over the people of Umuofia was to preach that the Ibo gods were false. As the white man spoke against the Ibo gods, saying that worshipping gods of â€Å"wood and stone† (Achebe, 125) was fruitless, the natives were confused. They did not understand how this could be so, and they were both amused and shocked that anyone would suggest an idea that they perceived to be so ridiculous. The Ibo questioned the white man, wondering â€Å"who will protect us from†¦ our neglected gods and ancestors† and were curious about his teachings. In doing so, it becomes apparent that the white man had succeeded in planting doubt in their minds about their religion. The Ibo were then unsure as ... had been tested several times, and had failed on all occasions. The Ibo people, at this point, had given up, and the Christians were victorious over the village and its clan. By forcing the Umuofians to question their religion, the Christians were able to successfully take over the village. They first challenged the Ibo religion by telling the villagers that their gods were not real. After this, the Christians built their church in the Evil Forest and defied the Umuofian gods who did nothing to stop the church, letting down the Ibo people. At the point of the killing of the python by a clansman, the Umuofian religion had been defeated in the eyes of its believers, and no longer held any real weight. The Christians were therefore able to effectively conquer the Ibo by attacking their religion, which had been uncontested up until that point in history.   

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Challenge :: Progressivism Education Teaching Essays

The Challenge â€Å"Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theatre.† (Gail Godwin) This statement can be proven time and time again in the classroom. Students can only learn so much sitting in their seats. Making the lesson into an adventure, letting students discover things on their own, hands-on, lets students feel that they have a part in what they get to learn and can grasp concepts better. Having this perception is almost essential in today’s classroom. Students are made to be in school for almost eight hours a day. To make the classroom fun lets students get the extra boost of energy they need. Running a classroom like this way a great example of how a Progressivist would do so. I want my classroom to be full of progressivism. Children should be given the chance to explore, develop opinions, and have extraordinarily unique personalities without one test determining the student’s knowledge. My philosophy is that education should be offered to students in the way that they learn best, whether it be through bookwork, group work, or presentations that not only will help them learn now, but also with everything they do. Education is a right and a gift that should be handled with care. Being a teacher is one of my main goals because if you cannot have fun within the learning process, and create an appetite for further knowledge, then students will never retain what they learn, nor want to. I want to have brightly painted walls that will create open-mindedness with educational murals, relating to the content area of the grade level I teach, to decorate the room. I want to have students arranged in groups to help each other learn. Students will be able to take part in the rule making process and the technique of learning in my classroom. If a student cannot learn under certain conditions, they should not be made to do so. The role of the teacher isn’t to stand in front of the room and dictate material. I feel that I should influence the growth of my students by controlling the environment in which the growth takes place, rather than pounding bits of information into their heads (Sadker and Sadker pp96-97).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Marketing Enviroment Essay

There are two(2) main elements in marketing environment which is microenvironment and macroenvironment. Microenvironment is the actor close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics. For the first one we start with the company. In designing marketing plans, marketing management takes other company groups into accounts, group such as top management. All of these interrelated groups form the internal environment. Other departments have an impact on the marketing department plans and actions. Next is the suppliers. Supplier also plays an important roles in marketing environment because supplier will form an important link in the company overall customer value delivery system. Supplier also will provide the resources that are needed by the company to produce its products or services. If the supplier face any problem , this will seriously affect the marketing. Next is marketing intermediaries. Marketing intermediaries actually help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers or can be said easily as firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers. After that is competitors. Competitors will affects the marketing environment because when there are many competitors in the market, the company will always upgrade or improve their product or services to make sure that their products or services are the best one. For publics, public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objective. There are seven types of publics that can affect the marketing environment which is financial publics, media publics, government publics, citizen-action publics, local publics, general publics, and internal publics. And finally is the customers. Customers is the important actors in the companys microenvironment. The aim of the entire value delivery system is to serve target customers and create strong relationships with the cutomers. For the second element which is the macroenvironment. Macroenvironment consist of he actors that operate in a larger macroenvironment of forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company. Macroenvironment consist of demographic, economic, natural, technologies, political, and cultural. Demographic is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupations, and other statistics. Any changes in world demographic environment have ajor affects for business. Next is economic. Economic environment is the factors that affect consumer buying power and spending pattern. Marketers must pay close attention to major trends and consumer spending patterns both across and within their world markets. Natural environment is a natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities. Marketers should be aware of several trends in the natural environment. The first involves groeing shortages of raw materials. Next technological environment, technological is forces that create new technologies, creating new product and market opportunities. Technology has released such wonders as antibiotics, robotic surgery, miniaturized electronics and many more. For political environment, political consist of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations and individuals in a given society. Even the most liberal advocates of free-market economies agree that the system works best with at least some reegulation. Lastly cultural environment. The cultural environment is made up of institutions and other forces that affect a society basis value, perceptions, preferences, and behavior. People grow up in a different society that shape their basic beliefs and values.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Compair and Contrast: Zombies vs. Teenagers

Danger: Zombies and Teenagers are Ahead Mindless and blood lusting bodies fill our streets. Dragging themselves around without purpose or progressive thoughts. One would think that they should close the doors and lock the windows. However its not just decaying zombies that I speak of, its our teens. The biggest difference is the plain fact that teenagers are alive and zombies are undead. While both teenagers and zombies are completely different looking on the outside, on the inside they are very similar. Both are dangerous when they roam in groups. They have no choice of who they are, but I would like to show you how to understand both of them by comparing them to each other. Even how to destroy them. Danger is something teenagers are always getting themselves into, and when zombies are around everything else is in danger as well. Danger can be described as being put in harms way or threatening harm to others. A teenager is dangerous to themselves and other teenagers. They are reckless and don't think before they act. Being reckless is a serious issue for teenagers because they think they are invincible. Believing nothing bad will happen to them. However because of this thought process, teenagers are the ones who get harmed, or in trouble more often then any other age group. The reason for this is because the people who watch out for them aren't around at the times when teens are making the important decisions, that hold weather they get good or bad consequences. As a child an adult is all ways there to hold their hand and watch their back. As an older adult after the college years, ones life has calmed down and the realization of mortality sinks in therefore they are more careful about what they do with there bodies and minds. Young adults and teens are new to a world full of wonders, they do much experimenting, to learn the cause and effect of the actions and decisions they make. For example a teenager is about to drive a car with many other teens in the vehicle. One teen turns the radio up and everyone is dancing in there seats, screaming and laughing. The driver is being put in a dangerous situation. With all the distractions, he could do serious damage to the car and everyone in it. Its true that sometimes the driver is fine and nothing bad happens but the situation is still dangerous because of the possibility of a harmful ending. Putting other people in danger is something that zombies do as well. Obviously zombies are dangerous to other people. They attack with no warning. They spread diseases, and don’t even have the thought process to care about who they are hurting. However what is not as obvious is that they are a danger to themselves. A zombie will walk right into danger without realizing they might die. The reason they don't realize this is because their is only one thing on their mind and that is BRAINS! A zombie will walk straight toward a crazy redneck with a shot gun and wont even flinch at a warning shot. A zombie with continue trying to eat a dog even after someone has chopped an arm or leg off of it. When a zombie wants something they will do anything to get it, and this puts themselves in a whole lot of danger. Similar to a zombie a teenager is dangerous to themselves and others, luckily this behavior of recklessness will change and they will mature as they get older. A zombie on the other hand will never be cured and most likely they will not live very long if they keep their recklessness up. Ever wonder why teens and zombies are never by themselves? Its because they want to protect themselves. Teens like to move in packs and the bigger the pack the better. They go to the movies in a group of three and they meet another group in line for popcorn and they have grown in size. Teens show up at the mall because they know that someone they know will be their. If a teen is somewhere public alone they could be mistaken as a loser, and that would be traumatic for their reputation. Therefore they always have at least four to five buddies with them. Just like teens zombies need to be with other zombies, however its not for the company. Zombies like to go in packs everywhere because if they outnumber people, then they are more likely to be successful at their initiative attack. They are considered much more dangerous when in groups larger then three. If one were to spot a zombie alone they would feel superior and have no problem taking them down. Therefore zombies travel in groups no less then one hundred-sixty-six other brain eating peers. Weather someone is a teenager or a zombie they really don’t have a choice on becoming what they are. Teenagers become teenagers through the lifecycle. Everyone wishes they could skip the hormonal, emotional, and awkward stage in their life, but they cant. Its part of being human. The reason teens are different then other age groups is the crazy thing that happen to their bodies. Which I wont go into because this is not a, â€Å"What is Happening To My Body† pamphlet. Everyone goes through being a teenager, but not everyone will be a zombie. However once someone is bitten they have no choice to becoming a zombie. Its a disease that travels through a violent contact. The only thing one can do to stop it is to not be bit, by fighting back. If you want to know how to destroy a zombie or even a teenager it is all very similar. Go for the brain. A teenagers mind is what keeps them going in life if you make them feel terrible, then they will be miserable. If one were to embarrass them or destroy their reputation then they will never be able to live it down and until their dying day they will have never forgotten about the day their life was destroyed. Harsh? However so is bashing a zombies scull. It is their mind that would need to take damage to be destroyed. This is also the same way zombies are killed. Destroy the brain. Even though zombies don't use their brains, their body is still dependent on it to be undead. the brain must be smashed or shot or in some way mutilated to make sure the zombie doesn't come back. Disconnecting the body from the head is not enough. The body will still wander around and the head will still try to bite. The mechanics of this biological phenomenon are not completely understood by scientist yet. However the important thing is that if you kill the brain then you kill the zombie. The mind is a powerful organ for zombies and teens, and if you can take it out then you will succeed in destroying teenagers and zombies. While teenagers and zombies are on different levels of status, they are surprisingly similar to each other in many ways. Being dangerous and stupid are things that are not very positive to their attributes. However they can outnumber any other group. What they must go through is difficult on both of them as well. A teenager goes through body changes and is very sensitive and can be taken down easily through hurtful words. A zombie goes through a disease where they body decays and every one is trying to kill them. It seems like they are on the same boat. I wouldn't want to meet either one in a dark alley.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Nature and Nurture Controversy

Briefly summarize the approaches to the nature and nurture controversy. Provide two examples of nature and two examples of nurture and explain their influence on your own development. Evaluate the impact of each and explain which you believe had more of an impact and why. Your initial post must be at least 300 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts with critical thought. Classmate responses must be at least 100 words in length and posted by Day 7. Nature vs.. Nurture is a controversy suggesting that our development is either from tauter or nurture.Nature being biological reasons such as DNA or it being hereditary. While Nurture is brought on by our environment family, and or experiences. It is difficult to say one plays a bigger role in my upbringing than the other. For example I have my father's big brown eyes but my views are entirely different than his. I look like my mother and have a similar personality but don't think it is because of my genes we are alike. Then we have how nurture Impacted my development. I became pregnant at age 16 and was normal since where I lived at the mime- Los Angles was not foreign to It.Growing up In a big city such as Los Angles you tend to grow up faster and more prone to hang out with the wrong crowds. I grew up with my two siblings a brother and an older sister who are very different although we were raised In the same environment. My older sister finished high school on time and had her first child at age 22. My younger brother also finished high school on time and decided to continue onto college. As for myself I married at age 16 and was not able to finish high school with my class.Although both play a huge role on my personality I believe that nurture had a bigger effect In my personal life. Nature can also play a role In a person's life such as a disability that was Inherited but my opinion can be easily overcome by nurture by Ignoring your disability or living a certain way. Either way both nature and nurture play an Important role In ones life regardless of which one has a bigger Impact. The Nature and Nurture Controversy By Familiars it is because of my genes we are alike.Then we have how nurture impacted my time- Los Angles was not foreign to it. Growing up in a big city such as Los Angles although we were raised in the same environment. My older sister finished high huge role on my personality I believe that nurture had a bigger effect in my personal life. Nature can also play a role in a person's life such as a disability that was inherited but my opinion can be easily overcome by nurture by ignoring your important role in ones life regardless of which one has a bigger impact.

Explore Walkers Portrayal of Female Identity †The Color Purple Essay

â€Å"Teach only the boys. â€Å"1 (Page 146) In many cases this term would be considered sexist: However, when reading The Color Purple it becomes evident that the men as well as the boys are the ones who are in need of education. This education is not confined to the academic sense, but Walker rather emphasises their need to acquire the understanding of equal rights. The women may not receive any academic education but they were still equal to men in their ability to work, as Walker shows through several strong female role models throughout The Color Purple. The things that the women have experienced have taught them things about life that no man would ever understand: The gift of tolerance, understanding and a positive mind. Celie has to undergo a lot of traumatic experiences throughout The Color Purple. Walker uses this to mould her into the â€Å"stereotypical† submissive woman. Walker then continues to develop Celie’s stereotypical role of mother and wife by forcing her into another destructive relationship, both emotionally and physically. This relationship affected her attitude towards men but also her self-confidence towards women and children who possess the confidence she does not. Although Walker has portrayed Celie as a weak individual, Mr calls her â€Å"You black, you pore, you ugly, youa woman. † Quotations like this show just what level of racism and sexism Celie and maybe Walker herself had to compete with. Walker may have portrayed Celie in this way to exaggerate the fact that she is also filled with courage. She tries to stand up to Mr ____ , and claims she will † curse him† until â€Å"you[ he] do right by me†. Mr ___, claims Celie is â€Å"nothing at all†. Despite this abuse Celie has the courage to carry on and live her life despite its restrictions. Walker uses each character to reflect all the different elements of female identity. Celie is portrayed as weak, Sophia is portrayed as powerful, Nettie educated and Shug leads the glamorous life every women dreams of. Walker seems to use a variety of different characters to provide comparison and influence in all of the female characters lives. The ongoing influence is the typical 1930s society. Society is responsible for imposing the status quo, which heaven forbid Celie would ever rebel against. â€Å"I don’t fight; I stay where I’m told. But I’m alive. â€Å"(Page 22)She has lost her sister, her freedom and her self respect; she can’t lose her life as well. Sophia however is an excellent example of a powerful woman in society. Not only powerful in body, but also in mind. In the beginning of the book she seems to show no fear and determination no to be moulded by society. Unfortunately this is a short lived dream. Even though Sophia is a powerful woman, she is still victim to discrimination due to her sex and race which results in hr being moulded into the typical stereotypical woman. After being thrown out of Celie’s house by Mr ____, Nettie finds refuge in the home of a missionary couple, who teach her the importance of god and educating others. She abandons the role of housewife and takes on a role more favourable which benefits others and not just her self. Shug Avery abandons all traces of the female stereotype. Her life revolves around the finer things. Her music offers the passion and yearning for the glamorous life, especially for Celie, whose life is made up of orders and abuse, whereas Shug is a woman who doesn’t take orders and on many occasions’ is the one who makes them. Parts of the prejudice society of the 1930’s were the men. In Celie’s mind, men have a kind of meanness that women don’t possess. Women, though they may scream and swear, are not harmful in the way men like Pa are Mr_____ When she was younger the only male she knew was Alphonso, who she then believed to be her father. Although she was treated poorly by her â€Å"father†, she listens to the bible and â€Å"Honor[s] father and mother no matter what. † (page 43-44). This even included forgiving him for the constant sexual abuse. By obeying the Bible she had to obey her father, no matter what the consequence was. The dramatic betrayal of someone she could trust had been destroyed and therefore jeopardised her relationship with any other man, instead of feeling love or respect, she only felt fear. â€Å"That’s the truth. I look at women, tho, cause I’m not scared of them. † Although Mr_____ is her husband,their relationship appears to be one of convenience. When he first approached Alphonso it was to marry Celie’s sister, Nettie. Alphonso however refused. Claiming that Nettie was too pretty and that he should have Celie instead. Compared to Nettie, Celie was hardly the trophy wife that Mr___ desired. â€Å"She ugly. †¦.. But she can work like a man. † (pg. 18. ) Mr ____ only wanted a wife to look after his kid and to satisfy his own selfish needs. Walker portrays Celie as an object only to be used and abused by men. Walker shows a very dysfunctional relationship between Sophia and her husband Harpo; however it is not abusive as all of Celie’s relationships have been. It is a true relationship that was built on a love and not on necessity. Another factor that Walker has used to create the couple is the reversal of personas. So Walker has created her to be the â€Å"man† of the house, as she is stronger than Harpo in more ways than one. This is alien to Celie and she advises Harpo that Sophia needs to be â€Å"taken down a peg† (Page 35) so he can become head of the house again. Nevertheless Sophia refuses to accept this treatment and fights back. Although Sophia managed to defeat one member of society, it was her second and final confrontation that would finally destroy the confidence that Celie so desperately wanted.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analysis of the Case Oticon Using the Political Metaphor Essay Sample

1. IntroductionThe metaphors of organisations and direction have been discussed by Gareth Morgan in his book â€Å"Images of Organizations† ( Morgan. 2006 ) . Morgan exposed eight metaphorical images of organisations including machine. being. encephalon. civilization. political system. psychic prison. flux and transmutation. and instrument of domination. Each one of these metaphors creates insight. but besides obscures some corners. They have both pros and cons. They enable seeing. but besides non seeing. No 1 of them is said to be right and right. 2. BackgroundChattanooga Ice Cream Division is one of three major incorporated industries to CFC. Chattanooga Food Corporation. The division lost third-largest client for no logical grounds. Charles Moore. the president and general director of the division conducted a direction meeting to discourse current state of affairss. look into the root causes. and happen out proper solutions. Many struggles occurred during the meeting. The actions and reactions can be projected to reflect how the division maps as one of metaphorical images. In this study. the instance is analyzed utilizing the political system metaphor. In other words. it discusses what we could see and reflect when projecting the division’s behaviour on the rules and attacks of the political system metaphor. 3. TheoryAn organization’s political relations is most clearly manifest in the struggles and power dramas that sometimes occupy halfway phase. and in the infinite interpersonal machinations that provide recreations in the flow of organisational activity. More basically. nevertheless. political relations occurs on an on-going footing. frequently in a manner that is unseeable to all but those straight involved ( Bacharach A ; Lawler. 2000 ) . There are three relationships to be considered when speech production of organisations the systems of political activities. which are involvements. struggle and power ( Morgan. 2006 ) . Politics accepts the world of multilateralism. Therefore. the construct of political relations is strongly connected with the diverseness of involvements. Projecting that on organisations by and large. they could be regarded as spheres for accommodating different involvements ( Culbert A ; McDonough. 1980 ) . Different involvements are natural and must be handled. For that intent. the general involvements are analyzed as single involvements. There are three types of single involvements including undertaking. calling. and extramural involvements. Undertaking involvements are connected with the work one time has to execute. while calling involvements are connected to what the individual want to accomplish with the work. The extramural involvements are connected what we want to accomplish as a private self’s. There is a structural diverseness of involvements in organisations. That could be bounded by two extremes along hierarchal graduated tables. where bureaucrats’ inclination represents the upper portion. and professionals’ inclination dominates the lower broad countries ( Benson. 1973 ) . When involvements collide. struggles arise. The political position admits the presence of struggles. There are three major signifiers of struggles including. struggles between individual. groups/departments. and value systems/structures ( Brown. 1983 ) . There are five chief attacks for struggle declaration. including avoiding. viing. suiting. compromising and collaborating manners ( Burrell A ; Morgan. 1979 ) . Power is the medium through which struggles are resolved ( Bacharach A ; Lawler. 1980 ) . There are two relevant positions of power signifiers including resources and societal relation or dependence. Furthermore. there are 14 beginnings of power. That may affect formal authorization ; control of scarce resources ; usage of organisational construction. regulations. and ordinances ; control of determination procedures ; control of cognition and information ; control of boundaries ; ability to get by with uncertainness ; control of engineering ; interpersonal confederations. webs. and control of informal organisation ; control of counterorganizations ; symbolism the direction of significance ; gender and the direction gender dealingss ; structural factors that define the phases of action ; and the power one already has ( Morgan. 2006 ) . 4. Analysis4. 1. InterestsWhen looking through the instance of Chattanooga Ice Cream Division. many manifestations and contemplation could be analyzed from the political system metaphor position. One of the worlds that political relations accept is that all political systems embrace different involvements ( Culbert A ; McDonough. 1980 ) . The meeting Moore conducted reflects this world every bit good. As we noticed. many frailty presidents of the division’s sections tried to depict and analyse the job the division experienced in a manner that made their sections out of lending causes. For case. Billy Fale. the frailty president of production. tried to justify his section by explicating their immense attempt to acquire stock lists manageable despite the limited efficiency the division’s information systems had. Whereas. Stephanie Krane. the division’s accountant. blamed the complexness of the information systems that required long clip to develop. trial. and put in. Furthermore. for forcing herself off of the causation factors. Krane explained her experience to retrieve old problems. The other frailty presidents manipulated the description of the state of affairs so that the possible solutions go in their departments’ favours or involvements so to talk. Barry Walkins. the frailty president of selling. attributed the job to the disregard of his recommendations. He asked sing mixed-ins in the division’s production program. establishing that on his selling research. He might be seen as a director who wanted to enter a triumph for his manner of thought. researches. or departmental sphere. Another contemplation could be built on the reaction of Les Holly. the division’s gross revenues director. He tried to drive the sentiments judgmentally. Holly started reflect the root causes of the job from the sense that the remainder of directors didn’t have the broad image he had. since he used to pass most of the clip in the shops. He focused on operational lacks. such as stockouts and back orders. to do it rational to counterbalance that with the promotional allowances. irrespective any other conducive factors. Moore has accepted the difference of involvements of the directors. This is evident from the manner he dealt with their sentiments. He considered all solutions in malice of his familiarity to the background of motivations for each director. The single involvements could be classified into undertaking involvement. calling involvements. and extramural involvements ( Culbert A ; McDonough. 1980 ) . Fale showed his involvements of maintaining everything under control by rejecting the alteration Walkins proposed. All his reactions during the meeting seemed to be operational and numerical contemplations. That sort of involvements could be seen as undertaking involvements. The same is to be said for Krane. Her remarks reflect her involvement of lodging to certainty and non doing mistakes. On the other manus. Holly’s involvements may be classified as calling involvements. as he emphasized on the promotional allowances many times. Possibly. he wanted to better his external personal relationships utilizing such allotments. In the same context. we think that Walkin’s involvements could be classified as extram ural involvements. since he wanted to turn out his endowment of marketing research practically. His proposal was rational and strongly relevant to the job. He tried to demo his trueness through his honest efforts to do the division changes positively. This manner of categorization doesn’t needfully mean that this categorization is an absolute affair. All of them may hold overlapped involvements that belong to each class. ConflictsAnother common facet of the political system is struggles. Conflict will ever be present every bit long as the involvements collide. That may include struggles between individuals. sections. and constructions ( Coser. 1956 ) . In Chattanooga. the struggle arose between Fale and Walkins were more personal. Walkins criticized Fale’s disregard to his suggestion. and Fale in bend criticized Walkins’ thoughts. Both reviews were directed to the personal behavior. Additionally. Holly criticized the policy concerned with cost decrease at the disbursal of gross revenues section. The struggle arose between him and Krane could be seen as departmental struggle. There are five common manners of struggle declaration including avoiding. via media. competition. adjustment. and coaction ( Burrell A ; Morgan. 1979 ) . For Chattanooga. and before the age of Charlie Moore. his male parent led the show wholly. He was the first responsible for about everything. while Charlie wanted to travel the division toward the collaborative manner. During the meeting. he gave manner for everybody to demo their contemplations. But they were still unfamiliar with this sort of communicating. When struggles arose. Moore played the function of moderator. which was doing certain that everybody would show about their ideas and sentiments reasonably. However. he kept the concluding determination to himself. We find the behavior Moore showed in struggle declaration is more like the adjustment manner. PowerPower is a really important histrion in the political systems. It is the medium through which struggles are resolved. There are 14 beginnings of power ( Morgan. 2006 ) . many of them could be projected on the instance. One of that is control of scarce resources including money. stuff. forces. and engineering ( Emerson. 1962 ) . Krane. as the division’s accountant. had the control to apportion resources including wages. disbursals. and information systems. She had extra beginning of power that represents a structural factor that defines the phase of histrions ( Bachrach A ; Baratz. 1962. 1970 ) . This beginning of power came from her being monitored. non merely by Moore. but besides by Arthur Silver. the main fiscal officer. Therefore. she had more considerable power to accept or reject any thought. which interprets her confident reactions during the meeting. Fale. as the frailty president of production. had besides the power of engineering ( Child. 1985 ) . boundaries ( Millar A ; Rice. 1967 ) and resources control ( Emerson. 1962 ) . He had besides the ability to ge t by with uncertainnesss ( Hickson et al. . 1971 ) . His contemplations were cardinal and referral. since he managed the production procedures and could judge any suggestion wanted to be implemented. Fale had extra power of interpersonal confederations ( Pfeffer A ; Salancik. 1978 ) . which is represented by his friendly relationship with Frank O’Brien. the frailty president of forces. They used to hang out with each other for angling. When Frank changed his place during the meeting. Fale became more flexible to accommodate with Walkins’ proposal. That reflects a serious impact of interpersonal confederations within the organisation ( Pfeffer A ; Salancik. 1978 ) . Krane and Fale had the power of Moore’s trust in run intoing their promises ( Bachrach A ; Baratz. 1962. 1970 ) . In the same context. Walkins had besides the power of information and cognition ( Crozier. 1964 ) . which is represented by his familiarity to the market tendencies and competitory advantages. Moore admitted his endowment and that was besides extra credits for Walkins. Bing the division’s gross revenues director. Holly had besides the power of cognition and networking ( Pfeffe r A ; Salancik. 1978 ) . He could lend in the solution by happening new clients. His direct exposure to the market added more power to him. In general and as a direction squad. all directors had the power of the usage of organisational construction. regulations. and ordinances ( Crozier. 1964 ) . But Moore might hold the biggest portion of power. non merely due to him being a general director. but besides as a descendent of the household to the full owned the division ( Kanter. 1977 ) . He controlled the determination doing procedure wholly ( Bachrach A ; Baratz. 1962. 1970 ) . He started that by analysing the job. Then. he motivated the directors to portion their ideas. Finally. he ended up with choosing the most efficient solution that might accommodate the client orientation and budget. 5. CONCLUSIONSEven though the organisational political relations may be recognizable by everybody within any organisation. it is really rare to discourse it openly ( Morgan. 2006 ) . The instance of Chattanooga shows clear illustrations of subjects discussed in private. as we found when the caputs of sections questioned the competency and trustiness of each other. As discussed before. we can acknowledge that it is necessarily that political relations is indispensable characteristic of organisational life. The political metaphor emphasizes that the usage of power is cardinal of organisational analysis. The metaphor helps to better understand organizations’ reason. as it enforces the thought that actions within organisations are more political than rational ( Morgan. 2006 ) . In Chattanooga. each director suggested solutions so that to increase the benefits for his/her section instead than the benefit for the division as a whole. Furthermore. the political metaphor helps to happ en solutions to the thought that organisations are incorporate constructions. which is non ever the instance ( Morgan. 2006 ) . Moore failed to merely use the collaborative values of squad work in Chattanooga. while that worked successfully when he worked at National Geographic. The political metaphor focuses on involvements. struggles and beginnings of power in order to understand and pull off them ( Morgan. 2006 ) . That besides helped Moore to understand the force drivers within the division. Finally. the metaphor has great influence to actuate persons to move politically. The chief drawback of utilizing the political metaphor is frights of change overing every activity within organisations into political Acts of the Apostless. This may sometimes make ambiance of uncertainness and misgiving ( Morgan. 2006 ) . That appears in the Chattanooga instance when most of troughs reflected negative feelings about each other. Another restriction is that the coevals of penetrations through different involvements possibly misused to accomplish personal ends. Last. but non least. it is complex to cover with pluralism’s inquiry. As a consequence. the political metaphor must be used carefully ( Morgan. 2006 ) . 6. Reference Bachrach. P. and Baratz. M. S. ( 1962 ) . †Two Faces of Power. † American Political Science Review. Bachrach. P. and Baratz. M. S. ( 1970 ) . Power and Poverty. New York: Oxford University Press. Bacharach. S. B. and Lawler. E. I. ( 1980 ) . Power and Politics in Organizations. San Francisco: Iossey-Bass. Bacharach. S. B. and Lawler. E. I. ( 2000 ) . Organizational Politics. Stamford. Connecticut: IAI Press. Benson. I. K. ( 1973 ) . â€Å"The Analysis of Bureaucratic-Professional Con?ict. † Sociological Quarterly. Brown. L. D. ( 1983 ) . â€Å"Managing Con?ict Among Groups. † pp. 225-237 in D. A. Kolb. I. M. Rubin. and Mclntyre. I. Organizational Psychology. Englewood Cliffs. Nickel: Prentice Hall. Buroway. M. ( 1979 ) . Manufacturing Consent. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Burrell. G. and Morgan. G. ( 1979 ) . Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis. London: Heinernann Educational Books. Child. I. ( 1935 ) . â€Å"Management Strategies. N ew Technology and the Labour Process. † in D. Knights. H. Willmott. and Collinson. D. Job Redesign. Aldershot. United kingdom: Cnnlpr. Coser. L. A. ( 1956 ) . The Functions of Social Con?ict. New York: Routledge A ; Kegan Paul. Crozier. M. ( 1964 ) . The Bureaucratic Phenomenon. London: Tavistock. Culbert. S. and McDonough. I. ( 1980 ) . The Invisible War: Prosecuting Self-Interest at Work. Toronto: Iohn Wiley. Emerson.