Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Calls for Change in High School Mathematics Essay

Mathematic educators, parents and students are calling for proper changes in approaches to learning mathematics in high schools. The need to improve learning of mathematics in schools is highly recognized and underlined. Thus, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics published the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics that offered recommendations for high school mathematics reform. In addition, the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences in their official report ‘The Mathematical Sciences Curriculum K–12: What Is Still Fundamental and What Is Not’ stresses the importance of new topics and techniques in the secondary schools. New approaches should develop new learning techniques that would be discrete from statistics, mathematics, and emphasis on algebra and geometry should be properly re-assessed according to different abilities and needs of students who are taking mathematics course in the secondary school and high school respectively. The need for change and innovation is generally driven by emergence of advanced computing technologies that offers excellent opportunities for school educators to replace manipulative traditional techniques with more complex realistic problem-solving techniques. In its turn, the National Science Board Commission issued a report ‘Educating Americans for the 21st Century’ challenging courses in algebra and pre-calculus and stressing the importance of developing integrated mathematical sciences curriculum in the secondary school. Researchers argue that new curriculum will positively affect students’ achievement outcomes in the secondary and high schools. To make changes more effective teachers are required to understand the advantage of curriculum’s full scope and its consequences; students are required to support the expectations of classroom environment. The Core-Plus Mathematic Project is newly developed curriculum for high school mathematics. Of course, the Core-Plus Mathematic Project or CPMP curriculum is a matter of debates and controversies as not everyone admits the need of high school mathematics reforms. Nonetheless, the CPMP curriculum is worked out with assistance of mathematics education researchers, instructional specialists and classroom teachers. Moreover, the curriculum is shaped by empirical evidence gathered from students and teachers who are willing to participate in field testing. In particular, organization of mathematics curriculum should be interpreted in terms of teaching and assessment recommendations and should follow the standards set in the above-mentioned reports. New mathematics curriculum is a three-year mathematics course for high-school students who are allowed to take the fourth year to prepare for college mathematics. Newly designed curriculum differs from more traditional approaches as new curriculum encourages students’ understanding of mathematics – statistics, probability, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and discrete mathematics. Learning mathematics is developed in focused units that combine fundamental ideas with mathematical habits of mind. It means that new curriculum stresses the need to connect function, data analysis and symmetry with recursive and visual thinking. In contrast to traditional approaches to mathematics, new curriculum emphasizes the role of mathematical modeling and problem-solving instead of simple calculus. Researchers say the primary goal of curriculum improvement is to enhance students’ understanding and comprehension of key mathematical processes and concepts, to enhance student’s ability to use mathematical concepts in real-world problem-solving. Graphic calculators should enhance students’ understanding and abilities to solve authentic problems. Improved instructional materials encourage active teaching and learning processes that will primarily focus on problem situations, abstraction and analysis. Oral and written communication, reasoning with ability to represent, and conceptual understanding are highly appreciated and encouraged. All courses centre on mathematical reasoning and thinking with abilities to develop formal proof. Additional fourth year course will allow to keep students, who prepare for college mathematics, despite whether their undergraduate program is based on calculus. Students interested in mathematics are encouraged to be accelerated into the fourth course year. Today, many researches are focus on identifying whether new curriculum meets its specific goals. In particular, they try to reveal whether the learning outcomes based on new patterns of mathematics learning process differ from outcomes based on more traditional curriculum. During the past eight years researchers conducted various studies to examine mathematical achievement in classroom with CPMP curricula. Research studies have revealed that performance of CPMP students is much better than that of students with traditional interpretation of mathematical representation. It means that problem-solving and recursive thinking appear to be more effective in learning mathematics than simple understanding of key concepts of processes. Further, CPMP students are characterized by higher grade results at the end of the years than students with traditional approach to mathematics. Summing up, recent researches have indicated that CPMP students perform better than students with traditional curriculum. CPMP students are characterized by better abilities to interpret mathematical representation and calculation, to measure conceptual understanding and to recognize the importance of problem-solving. CPMP students are better in probability and statistics, algebraic manipulative skills, etc. Nonetheless, researchers argue that student’s success in college mathematics doesn’t fully depend on CPMP curriculum. Other factors, as, for example, student’s attentiveness, readiness to participate in learning process, self-awareness, classroom environment, play their important role in student’s high school mathematics performance. With guidance from educators, researchers and teachers, curriculum developers will be able to build on stronger patters of student outcomes. References Schoen, H. L. , & Hirsch, Ch. R. (2003). Responding to Calls for Change in High School Mathematics: Implications for Collegiate Mathematics. The Mathematical Association of America Monthly, February, pp. 109-123. Available on-line from http://www. jstor. org/stable/3647770 .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Henry Lawson Essay

Henry Lawson, conflicted and brilliant was hailed as one of the â€Å"greatest writers of Australia† during the Colonial Period. Famous for his authenticity and vivid realism, many historians have often noted that Lawson acted as a spokesman of sorts for Australians and is acclaimed as a landmark in Australian literature. From one of his many works stems the short poem entitled â€Å"Poverty† depicting the themes of poverty, penury and hypocrisy. Lawson attempts in two stanzas to capture the emotions of those who are under financial difficulties. He also touches upon several social issues of how people, specifically preachers and poets, often try to glorify and romanticize poverty as a virtue. He criticizes the hypocrisy of those who cite poverty as an asset, something to be thankful for and a building block of character when they themselves know nothing of the realities and actualities of being poor as it goes against all his personal notions and sentiments of poverty being the root of all evil –â€Å"the cause of half the crime, the cause of half the error! – The new mantra nowadays is how everybody is looking to lead a more â€Å"meaningful† life. Greed and avarice is now copious in nearly every social circle and it compels practically everyone to step back once in a while to ask: Is this worth it? Most often the temptation and thirst dominates the small seeds of doubt and it is on this note which is most similar to â€Å"Poverty†. World population has nearly tripled in the last 50 years alone and the intense pressure and the constant rat race to make more money [and lots of it] increases along with the competition. Despite the fact the many people hold the opinion that poverty is a curse, statistics and surveys on people with a lower quality of life has indicated quite the opposite. On the contrary, poorer people tend to be more at peace and contented with life. With none so many material possessions to blind them from the true essence of life, they are able to lead a humble existence and learn to enjoy small joys and little surprises, in exact accordance with the phrase: Money can’t do you everything. Throughout the ages, this world has changed and shifted until it has become the nearly unrecognizable haven it is today to nearly 6. 3 billion people, modifying and shaping societies and judgements along with it. Stronger and more dominant personalities may prevail over weaker minds but the essential truth remains the same. You are your own person with individual opinions. So the same principle applies to the question: â€Å"Is Poverty still relevant today? † This being a firmly subjective question, there is no real universal truth or answer for it. Only what you think.

Implications For The Future Paper Essay

Environmental problems exist everywhere in this world today; whether it is in air, the water, traffic, crowding, or noise. Dubois, Pennsylvania which is known for its lumber and coal mining has 7, 794 people living here today. When this land was founded and cleared it was sold as one acre parcels, and each land owner had to determine their own road systems; which is why most of the roads in Dubois are narrow today. Dubois was known as â€Å"The Divided City† back in the very early stages of it growth. There was the Dubois side, and Rumbarger side, and separated by a low beaver damn. As population and business grows the town becomes one and is known as Dubois today. At first way of transportation in Dubois was railroads and then street cars, it was not until 1901 when Dubois got it first car called â€Å"Steamers.† As the area grows highway 219 was introduced through Dubois. This highway also known as Corridor 21 runs from Bluefield, West Virginia thru Dubois, Pennsylvania right down the main part of town to the South of Buffalo, New York. With this highway the traffic congestion through Dubois, Pennsylvania can become very chaotic at times. We have large amounts of trucks, and cars that use this route. As we continue on we will provide two strategies for promoting positive environmental behavior, how positive and negative consequences can increase pro-environmental behavior, describe one positive and one negative example how technology advances have impacted our environment, and talk about the influence of the environmental policies. Two Strategies for Promoting Positive Environmental Behavior One strategy that would help to promote a positive environmental behavior would be Positive Cueing. Cues are elements in the environment that convey important information or trigger an affective reaction. Steg, Van Den Berg, & DeGroot, (2013) stated, â€Å"By using positive cues from the environment such  as bicycling to work the individual will have provided a positive behavior towards the environment.† (p.120) Individuals who ride a bicycle to work, and to get around town will help cut down on the traffic congestion that goes through the town. Other cues such as walking, or if you have to drive finding other routes that are not congested would also help cut down on traffic congestion through the town. Another strategy that can be used to help positive environmental behavior is an individual’s attitude. An individual’s attitude can reflect whether their behavior is going to have a negative or positive outcome. Self-perception theory argues that people’s attitudes are formed from the perceptions of their own previous behavior. (Cornelissen, Pandelaere, Luk, & DeWitte, 2008). For example, if a person recycles in the past then their attitude for recycling in the future will be the same and will show positive environmental behavior. For the town of Dubois attitudes amongst these individuals seem to be divided. There are individuals who drive, one’s who walk, and others who like to ride a bike. Ways of promoting positive cues and better attitudes for a more positive environmental behavior is by educating individuals on how their behavior can affect their environment. Positive and Negative Consequences of Traffic can Increase Pro-environmental Behavior The positive and negative consequences of traffic have the ability of increasing pro-environmental behavior in certain ways. It may seem as if negative consequences of traffic cannot increase pro-environmental behavior but it can. The negative consequences of traffic are delays, the burning of fossil fuels and amount of pollution being into the air by vehicles, and road rage. Steg, Van Den Berg, & DeGroot, (2013) stated, â€Å"High levels of traffic congestion may lead to elevated physiological stress and negative affect.† (p.33) These negative effects not only affect an individual’s health and can cause many numerous respiratory problems, but also can affect our environment as well, by causing not only traffic congestion, but also can cause air pollution, and noise pollution. These kind of negative consequences can lead to positive pro-environmental behavior in regards to raising gas prices, building alternate routes around town, keeping sidewalks clean for individuals to walk on, and putting in bike lanes. By raising gas prices individuals do not travel as much so less traffic congestion and  pollution, adding alternate routes around the town can help break up the flow of traffic, and adding bicycle lanes, and keeping sidewalks clean will help encourage individuals who live in town to ride bicycles, and walk. Positive consequences of traffic is that it encourages motorist to re-time their road trip to when the traffic is not as congested, and also by reducing speeds can cause less road accidents. One Positive and Negative Example how Technology Advances have Impacted Our Environment Technology is making distribution, processing, production, development, and exploration of natural resources and alternative resources more cost effective, and protective in regard to the environment. The Technology that we have today has given humans a way of reducing negative effects on the environment that we have caused; such as the depletion of natural resources, the burning of fossil fuels, and other behaviors which have caused negative environmental effects. One effective way for technology to have a positive impact on our environment is what they call â€Å"Smart Technology† this technology can help ease traffic congestion. This smart technology helps reduce travel delays, provides a more convenient access to transportation alternatives, it can customize routes on real-time traffic conditions, also can reduces the carbon dioxide emissions going into the air, and at the same time save individuals on the cost of fuel. Steg, Van Den Berg, & DeGroot, (2013) stated, â€Å"Despite remarkably improved car technology, the total negative environmental impact of car use has risen over the last 100 years.† (p.244) Because of such advance technology, cars are more fuel efficient so individuals go out to buy larger vehicles, and take longer trips which in the end produces more carbon dioxide emissions, causing more pollution, and with the increase of buying cars causes traffic congestion to get worse. Influence of Environmental Policies Environmental policies are put into effect at all levels in our society from individual, group, large companies, and even municipal. These policies can have a positive outcome, or a negative outcome based on the individuals or group of people. There are policies that taxe things such as fuel, electric bill, water bills, so they can encourage individuals or groups to conserve our natural resources. These policies can also encourage individuals to  change their behavior towards the environment by using energy efficient items such as; light bulbs, televisions, and computers to name a few. Also by having policies we can implement other energy sources such as solar panels, or wind turbines. For these policies to have a positive outcome on our environment the individual or group of people would have to have acceptability of the policy so it would have a strong influence on implementing these policies. Acceptability of any policies outcome is based on the attitude of the individual or group of people about the policy. If an individual does not like the policy that is being implemented, for example recycling then most likely this individual will not recycle. If individuals have a good attitude about the policy for the environment then this can influence change in their behavior towards the environment. Conclusion Traffic congestion is an environmental problem that has existed for many years, and many to come. Not only does it cause delays to where you need to be, but can also cause air pollution, noise pollution, and from that many health issues to the human race as well. Technology has improved traffic congestion by reducing delays, finding alternate routes around, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and lower fuel cost. Though, there have been many positive outcomes with technology and things that benefit our environment technology can have negative impacts on the environment as well. The negative impacts from technology could be things such cars that are more fuel efficient having individuals buying larger vehicles, taking longer trips which will eventually increase traffic congestion and cause more air pollution. With environmental policies in place we can change our behavior towards the environment by using more energy efficient items such as lights, computers, and televisions. These policies that we implement can use more natural resources such as solar or wind energy, and this type of natural resource does not hurt the environment as much as burning fossil fuels. By utilize resources provided in the environment, setting up polices, and having positive attitudes we can change our behavior towards the environment, and make traffic congestion through Dubois, Pennsylvania less stress and less hurtful to the environment. References Steg, L., Van Den Berg, A., & DeGroot, J. I.M. (2013). Environmental Psychology: In Introduction [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. West Sussex, UK: British Psychological Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, PSY460 website. Cornelissen, G., Pandelaere, M., Luk, W., & DeWitte, S., (2008, February). Positive Cueing: Promoting Sustainable Consumer Behavior by Cueing Common Environmental Behaviors as Environmental. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25(1), 46-55. Retrieved from Steg, L., Van Den Berg, A., & DeGroot, J. I.M. (2013). Environmental Psychology: In Introduction [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. West Sussex, UK: British Psychological Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, PSY460 website. Steg, L., Van Den Berg, A., & DeGroot, J. I.M. (2013). Environmental Psychology: In Introduction [University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook]. West Sussex, UK: British Psychological Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, PSY460 website.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Most effective CIO strategy for effective strategic IT planning Research Paper

Most effective CIO strategy for effective strategic IT planning - Research Paper Example This is because different countries world wide have their various policies which may affect the organization’s strategic objectives. Security of international operations and the organization’s planned information is another problem of creating an organization’s information technology plan. This is because the process involves the organizations infrastructure and its quality of information. Moreover in the world where technology is almost interconnected there is a probability of the organization to interfere with or illegitimately fake other organizations objectives as suggested by Schwalbe (2009). However the organization’s strategic objectives can also be interfered with due to the insecurity of information technology resulting from the connectedness. The cost of using information technology as well as the balance sheet implication has been a problem in developing an organizations information technology plan for its strategic objectives. This can be attributed to the fact that creating such a plan may need the organization to employ IT professionals or offer more training to its experts. This is costly as might not be within the organizations budget plan. As a result the organization ends up suffering more expenses which affect its operation as they are planned. The organization may also face the problem of integrating new technology with existing technology in data collection in order to create the information technology plan. This is due to the increasing web based applications, imaging systems, cellular and mobile phones, and electronic filing among others. The organization’s Information technology experts may not be familiar with the new technology hence end up developing a substandard IT Plan. The environment of the organization may not be conducive for developing an information technology plan for some

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Conversation 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conversation 5 - Essay Example There were different, cultural and art styles that influenced Diego Rivera’s painting such as the classical European style and Aztec art. His use of figures and colors depict those that were used by Indians as images to narrate their historical events and myths. This painting mainly represented his strong position in protecting one’s beliefs in his or her culture (Dawn, 199). During this time, there was a lot of Mexican Renaissance and Muralism. In the painting, it is evident that his work incorporated cubism where he incorporated the cultures from his early studies. He engaged various architectural skills and geometry (Dawn, 106). The figures in his painting appear to be simplified; however, there is nothing straightforward about these figures which are overwhelming to the eye. As culture changes over time, so do these images progress throughout; however, it depends on how people interpret them. Conclusively, Rivera’s painting can also be said to have been influenced by the impact of Mexican Revolution which was immense at the time. Additionally, there were Mexican mural painters who disseminated and interpreted the ideas that were there in revolution. Rivera assisted the American to realize other people’s cultural nationalism when under the revolutionary

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Valuable Tool for Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

A Valuable Tool for Learning - Essay Example It is worth noting that in recent years, CIT has been utilized in newer settings, including the determination of poor and effective service episodes in the retail and healthcare industries. A comprehensive review of these contemporary uses of CIT specifically in the healthcare sector is provided by Kemppainen (2000). Critical incident analysis permits the emergence –instead of the imposition – of an evaluative framework and concentrates on the occurrences and dimensions of the patient experience that are most prominent, striking, and with a greater likelihood to be recounted to others (Ruben, 1993). This paper thus presents a critical incident and uses reflective analysis to draw insights from the incident, with the ultimate goal of improving patient service. A secondary goal is to derive personal lessons which I may use for my own professional development. The following portion expounds on the value of reflective learning and analysis, as a means of gaining insight from a critical incident. †¦ the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self and which results in a changed conceptual perspective. As a process, reflection is integrated into numerous conceptual frameworks (Hutchinson & Allen, 1997; Kember et al., 1999; Riley-Doucet & Wilson, 1997). I have chosen Johns’ (1994) framework for structured reflection for this analyzing the critical incident. Johns model for structured reflection can be utilized as a guide for reflecting on a critical incident or general reflection on an experience. This would be useful for more complicated decision making and analysis at levels 3 and 4. Johns (1994) advocates the need for the learner to work with a supervisor throughout their learning experience. He refers to this as guided reflection and recommends that students use a structured diary.

Friday, July 26, 2019

China vs. USA. The Quest for Global Supremacy Research Paper

China vs. USA. The Quest for Global Supremacy - Research Paper Example The Euro zone has become the lowest ranked commercial performers after severely affected regions in Africa. Although the United States has maintained its financial superiority, the stability of this particular region is not constant. With a fluctuating financial graph, the United States does not have control of the global commercial market. This leaves the top spot to upcoming commercial hubs. Asia and Middle East have countries with the fastest growing economies. With political instability making the Middle East a poor investment area, Asia remains the only region with the capability of claiming the throne in matters of commercial and financial success. One country that has significantly improved its commercial capabilities is the Republic of China. This paper will focus on the supremacy battles between the United States and China. The paper will also provide a perspective on which country has the highest probability of clinching the top spot in the long run. A perspective on the investment of both nations shows the difference between their strategies. In China investment opportunities are obtained from all nations across the globe. Regardless of their financial position China has invested in many countries in all continents. According to Swedroe, China has invested in 30 percent of all the countries in Africa (par, 4). This means that China looks to capitalize on the resources that Africa can bring to the global market. This maximization of the resources in Africa has raised the economy of China by around 10 percent (Lash, par 7). The situation is different when it comes to the United States. The United States bases its investment on the ability of the country to pay back in certain conditions. In most cases the United States strikes deal with state government instead of venturing into private investment. The private investment China undertakes enables the country to contract with other private companies who are in need of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management and leadership - Essay Example It is a well-known and understood fact that it takes the display of very fine management skills in order to be a good leader. Generally, good leaders are first good managers. Body One of the most fundamental differences between managers and leaders is their way of motivating the subordinates or followers. While the managers usually are risk averse in their approaches, leaders tend to take risks. Some traits that differentiate a manager from a leader are; managers prefer routine over change whereas leaders prefer the other way round; the vision of managers is short-term generally whereas leaders tend to have a long-term vision, leaders visualize things in a broad perspective whereas managers work upon details to make the plans of the leader practicable; finally, as the terms suggest, managers tend to manage whereas the work of a leader is to leader, though it takes sound management skills to be able to lead. The foundation on which leadership stands is the commitment and obedience of the followers. A leader cannot do without the help, support, and compliance of the followers. It takes management to get the followers in the position where they are ready to accept the leader as an individual with power and authority over them. Leadership without management is like trying to lead a herd of wild buffaloes. No matter how hard a leader tries, the wild buffaloes would get scattered and the man would not be able to lead them to their destination. Management essentially tames the workforce so that they get in the mood to listen to the leader and give him/her the due respect he/she deserves for being in the position of a leader. Management is about inculcating the sense of work ethics, respect for the principles of work, and a willingness to abide by them in the workplace in the workforce. These factors prepare a worker mentally and psychologically to be submissive to the leader for the matters related to work. In turn, the level of obedience of the subordinates is raised and this has a very healthy effect on the relationship between the leader and the subordinates. When managed rightly, workers know that they have to listen to the leader to be able to work toward attaining the goal as a group while keeping their personal egos aside. In this way, management essentially set the stage for a leader to perform on. Without that stage, the leader might be called as a leader but he/she might not be truly recognized as a leader, and without the recognition of a leader as such, leadership cannot be thought to be effective. The duties and responsibilities of a manager and a leader are to a large extent similar. While not every manager is a leader, every leader has to be a manager also. Although the individual with the utmost powers and the decision making authority in an organization is usually one or a small group of people who are recognized as leaders, yet down the line, every manager is a leader for the people working under him/her. For example, letâ€⠄¢s take the example of the manager of kitchen in an organization. While the manager of kitchen has to follow the menu set by the leader and use only the ingredients made available to him/her by the leader, the manager of kitchen necessarily serves as a leader for the cooks, the chefs, the purchasers, the kitchen cleaners, and other workers working in the kitchen. Management in this example means providing the workers with the resources and help they require to achieve the tasks assigned to them individually and collectively, supervising them so as to make sure they are actually working and not wasting time in gossip and other activities, making sure that the kitchen is cleaned regularly and that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Florence Nightingale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Florence Nightingale - Essay Example Modern nursing concepts has since then developed from her time. This paper then is an exploration on how Florence Nightingale might view some of the modern nursing concepts of today based on her renowned book. According to Legal Concepts in Nursing Practice (n.d.), malpractice or professional negligence refers to the legal consequences when a professional nurse does an unreasonable act given a situation or when she fails to do the rightful act given a situation. Nightingale constantly raised the importance of vigilance while nursing patients throughout her book. She is certainly against malpractice and negligence in treating patients and sees these acts as pure carelessness. For Nightingale, nurses should do anything possible to maintain a healthy environment for the patient including unpleasant chores. "If a nurse declines to do these kinds of things for her patient, "because it is not her business," I should say that nursing was not her calling" (Nightingale, 1860, pp. 22) This statement also gives emphasis on Nightingale's belief that professionalism must be among the basic attributes of a nurse especially since they are dealing with patient's health and lives. While technical skills and knowledge are substantial in the profession, the way they are utilized are just as important. Another nursing concept is abandonment, where nurses leave their assigned patients without prior notice. Nightingale is adamant that nurses should always be focused on the patient. "A careful nurse will keep a constant watch over her sick, especially weak, protracted and collapsed cases" (Nightingale, 1860, pp.17). Moreover, Nightingale says that if a nurse has to go for health or duty requirements then she must go and tell her patient so. "If you go without his knowing it, and he finds it out, he never will feel secure again that the things which depend upon you will be done when you are away, and in nine cases out of ten he will be right" (Nightingale, 1860, p. 39). With this not only are the nurses doing their duties responsibly but also with deference to their patients. For Nightingale a nurse's deference or respect to the sick is beneficial to its recovery and it manifests in how nurses deal with their patients. "The official politeness in these things are so grateful to invalids, that many prefer, without knowing why, having none but servants about them." (Nightingale, 1860, pp. 49). According to Code of Ethics for Nurses (n.d.), the concept of beneficence is the obligation to do well and not harm other people while nonmaleficence is the principle of preventing intentional harm. This coincides with Nightingale's belief that the patient shouldn't be harmed further given his circumstances and that nurses should be careful and observant when dealing with patients to avoid distress or worse, mishaps. According to Nightingale (1860), when nurses talk to their patients, "nurses should stay within the patient's view" so that patients won't have to feel the pain when turning their heads around. It is advisable that nurses be as motionless as they can when talking to them and position themselves in a way that is not wearisome to the patient. Nightingale (1860) also adds that it is not advisable to "meet or overtake a

Political Parties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political Parties - Essay Example As we may notice, Republicans and Democrats seem to uphold comparable ideals when the interest of the American population as a whole is concerned, only that they do not share the same opinion as to who are most appropriate to be bestowed the right of governance. Upon declaration of the winning candidates in an election, cries of deception are hardly evident unlike in some countries where political parties exist in multitude and demonstrate hostility against one another. There is more assurance to a majority consensus given the fact that there are only two options available and a â€Å"clear-cut choice between groups standing for opposing policies.†4 If there are other parties, then elected officials do not necessarily get majority of the votes; thus, what came about is not to be considered national unity. Another reason that gives favor to the two-party competition lies in the conviction that it is â€Å"the simplest and likeliest way to have an effective democratic governmen t.†5 In a country that upholds democracy, all citizens are granted equal share in the decisions that affect their lives. There is no point making a choice when there is no sufficient information to serve as a common ground. In the presence of many prospective governing groups, people can have a hard time monitoring qualifications, performances, and credibility among aspects that must be look into before a ballot is filled out. In a country as large and varied as the United States, a multi-party system would be likely to produce paralysis of government at the national level.†6 Similarly, the ruling party is openly held accountable for overseeing the government7; that should incumbent officials fail in their undertakings or rather fall short of expectations, they are bound to devise approaches that can ameliorate the situation. In this case, it is safe to assume that the general welfare is put on top priority and corruption, although not completely brought to an end, is at least kept to a minimal degree. People will simply go the other direction in the instance of dissatisfaction, and this is what the party in power works hard to avoid. The other party serving as its critic is compelled to instigate remonstrations when dishonesty in the service is observed. They keep a watchful eye on proceedings that do not coincide with the constitutional provisions, and needless to say, hope for a better political standing in the future. In result, power is dispersed accordingly, and any attempt to replace the democratic structure of the government is constantly impeded. The absence of monarchists and Marxists as real choices in most American elections seems an acceptable price for the advantages of the two-party system.†8 The United States is a country of liberalism—a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. A form of power that is vested upon a single person by birthright9, and the principle that actions and human institutions ar e economically determined10 will only lead to insurrections from the citizens who believe that

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


NETWORKING SKILLS FOR THE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES - Essay Example Through such a discussion and analysis, it is the hope of this particular author that the reader will gain a more informed understanding with respect to the necessity and importance of networking as well as a further understanding and identification of the ways in which a focus upon networking can help to build the prospects in the future of the individual that engages with it. Section 1: Firstly, even though it is true that this skill and knowledge learned in a formalized educational setting is not in and of itself sufficient for each and every situation, it should not be understood that networking is a skill that does not require teaching and is somehow innate within each and every human being. Due to differentials of personal psychology, many individuals are introverts whereas others tend to be more extroverted (Calin & Mcgee, 2006). However, even though a personal psychological approach to networking is necessary, should also be understood that even the most introverted individua l can utilize effective networking within their own life and professional career as a means of maximizing the benefit that they would otherwise achieved in and of themselves (Jain, 2011). In seeking to define what networking is, it should be understood that whereas many terms require a broad and complicated explanation, networking is fairly simple. Ultimately, this process can be understood based upon the realization that networking is a process through which an individual can leverage personal and business connections as a means of gaining valuable information that they can then apply towards increasing profitability, client base, efficiency or other positive business engagements (Sharafizad, 2011). As such, the obvious point that should be understood is with respect to the fact that networking allows for an individual to not only leveraging utilize the information that they have been presented or come in contact with, it also allows for a shared collective of knowledge and informa tion to be passed along from one individual, or group of individuals, to another. Although this is not a difficult concept to grasp, it should be understood that the bulk of the education process, from kindergarten all the way to postgraduate work, is concentric upon the degree and extent to which information can be retained at a personal level (Kokkonen et al., 2013). Although it is true that outside research is oftentimes required, collaborative in group effort is not common and therefore is not necessarily a tactic that the recently graduated business man or woman would otherwise engage in. As such, even though this process is extraordinarily simple and easy to engage in, a great many young professionals, and professionals of any age for that matter, necessarily choose to rely upon their own abilities as this is a thought process and means of engagement that has become solidified as a result of many years of education. From a strategic standpoint, the process of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Collaboration and Innovation at Procter & Gamble Essay Example for Free

Collaboration and Innovation at Procter Gamble Essay After I reading this article, I come up some different ideas to my own business. In the lab assignment, I mentioned that I would like to create a cosmetics company. After I read this article, I come up some new ideas. This article is about PG. By the developing of the globalization, people in everywhere can see the products which are produced by PG. So, PG is the leader in this field. There are many brands are owned by their company, for example, Pampers, Tide, Bounty, Folgers, Pringles and so on. Most of them are very famous around the whole world. PG not just produce beauty care but also other different field. Pringles is a brand that sells chips and it is owned by PG. I did not know it before I read this article actually. It is a very famous example of expanding. PG has a very good business strategy. There are five steps to come up a strategy, every stage is important. It is very hard to come up a successful strategy, so we can learn from PG’s successful one. Their business strategy include maintain their original consumers, extend new products and create new brands in other fields. PG very focus on innovation. They spend spends 3.4 percent of revenue on innovation. The weakness of my business is the innovation. If I want to be surviving in the fierce competition, I must have new products to attract more consumers. PG Company has 8,000 scientists in their research and development team. Pringles is a good example to show them how to create a new brand. They also pay attention on internal and external communication. PG try to have effective collaboration cross the whole company. The company has almost 140,000 employees in more than 80 countries, so efficient and timely communication become very important. There is over 80,000 employees use instant messaging, and 20,000 use Microsoft Outlook. They use these tools to share data. For example, marketers can use the data as new as possible to make proper strategies. Managers are more easily and quickly to correct their decisions by using timely data. By the developing of the technologies, there are some technical tools to help PG to develop their innovation and collaboration. They have Cisco Tele Presence conference rooms at many locations across the world. PG is a worldwide company and they are located in different countries. So, the Cisco Tele Presence technology helps them to communicate each other when group members are across different continents. This is a very excellent way to collaborate and innovate. It is hard to think another way which is better than Cisco Tele Presence technology.  However, if they can add the 3D without glasses technology into the Cisco Tele Presence technology, it will be the most excellent way.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Traditional Chinese Culture And Chinese Marriage Theology Religion Essay

Traditional Chinese Culture And Chinese Marriage Theology Religion Essay Marriage is an important part of life. Different cultures have their own tradition to celebrate this big event. Through understanding the traditional customs of marriage, we could learn more about the nations culture and values. In this essay, features of traditional Chinese marriage will be introduced and we will look at how Chinese Culture and traditional values are involved and influence the traditional Chinese marriage culture. Introduction First of all, we should have some brief understanding on some basic traditional values about families and the ancient Chinese society. In traditional Chinese culture, the family units are the basic units of the society which forms the nation. When the family units are well-ordered, the society will then become well-organized and eventually form a harmonious nation. And for thousand years, Confucianism has a very deep influence to Chinese culture and has significant impact in different aspects of the Chinese society. Confucianism is a philosophy which emphasizes on the moral ethics of peoples behaviours in daily life. It is a set of moral and ethical rules or ideas that dictate how a person should behave. It plays a key role in forming the social norms of the Chinese society (Yu 69). Patriarchal Society and values Traditional Chinese families are clan and patriarchal based. A clan is composed by descendants of the same ancestors and families which inherit the same surname. A clan emphasis greatly on kinship and blood relationship, they are regarded as an extension and the continuity of the family. Traditional family always put the clans interests above personal interests and personal honor as the clans honor and shame are closely related to one self. These values play a significant role in traditional Chinese marriage culture. Marriage in WuLun (à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ «) In Confucianism, one of ethical and moral rules on the individuals and social interaction is WuLun (à ¤Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ «) . WuLun indicates the five major relationships within a society. The Five Relationships are King to subject, Father to son, Husband to wife, Elder brother to younger brother and Friend to friend (Yu 94). Maintaining good relationships will stability and prosperity of the society and embrace the whole nation to live in harmony. One of the relationships which I would like to mention is Husband to wife, in other words, it is about marriage. To the Confucians, marriage is important to both the clan and the society. The marriage not only symbolizes the joining of two individuals but also the joining of two families with different surnames. Therefore, marriage can act as a medium to connect different families and clans to form a society and even nations. To certain extent, a good relationship of marriage is believed to bring harmony to the society and the whol e world is a big family. Arranged Marriage and matching For traditional Chinese marriage, lots of constraints were also attached with. First of all, a marriage is always pre-arranged by parents, but not based on the couples love and own choice. One of the reasons is that the marriages are usually associated with political reasons and benefits. But the most important one is that the marriage is a major family event and it is a matter of the clan, therefore the marriage must be decided by the parents and individuals must subject to eldership. Brides and grooms will only see or know each other until the wedding day comes ( Gu 137). Moreover, as the Chinese said, Bamboo door to bamboos one, wood door to woods one. To choose an ideal partner, the wealth and social status of the family must also take into consideration. To the male side, the marriage is directly affecting the prosperity and the reputation of their family in the future. The fame of the family and social status of the family is extremely important in traditional Chinese value. People would tend to look for potential families who had similar or same social status as they were to marry with. Therefore a boy who comes from a wealthy family will never be permitted by his parents to marry a girl from a poor family. Confucians emphasize on Li à §Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ® Li, or the rites, are the guidelines for people to behave properly. It emphasizes respect to others and surroundings through rules and ceremonies. The ideas of Li are closely related to ethics, human nature and social order in society. Li is essential and favourable to society because it encourages and reminds people to aware and fulfills their responsibilities towards others. Three Letters Six etiquettes à ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ¸Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ­Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ® Marriage also has guidelines and rites to follow and procedures are written down in the Book of Rites. Each of the complex procedures has its own symbolic meaning and part of the essential processes in traditional Chinese wedding are the Three Letters Six etiquettes. The Three Letters are the betrothal letter, gift letter and the wedding letter. These letters are the formal documents with the meaning of engagement, gift and confirmation of the marriage. The Six etiquettes are proposal, assessing birth date, presenting betrothal gifts, presenting wedding gifts, setting a wedding date, and finally the wedding ceremony (Chinese Social Customs). Proposal: After the parents of the male side choose a girl, they would then find a matchmaker and her role is to propose and present the male familys request to the girls family and parents. Birth date assessment: If the brides parents did not oppose to the marriage, the matchmaker would ask the birth date and hour of the bride to ensure the couples compatibility. If there were signs of conflicts between the numbers, which is believed to bring disasters to both families, then the proposed marriage will abandoned immediately. Presenting betrothal gifts: After both of the birth dates and hours were approved, the bridegrooms family would ask the matchmaker to arrange and present betrothal gifts to the brides family along with the betrothal letter. Presenting wedding gifts: The bridegrooms family would send wedding gifts formally to the brides family. Gifts usually include tea, beans, oranges, pomegranates, bridal cakes, coconuts, wine, red hair braids, lilies and many other delicacies, each with symbolic meaning in the wedding and the gifts can also show the familys wealth Setting a wedding date: An auspicious date is select for the wedding ceremony. Ceremony: On that day, the bridegroom departs his own home and play loud and cheerful music along the way to the brides home. During the wedding ceremony, both bride and groom have to stand side by side and make three bows. Three bows is the most important rites in the ceremony. The first bow is made to the Heaven and Earth and ancestors. The second bow is to parents and the third one is to each other. (Chinese Wedding traditions) From the above wedding procedures Three Letters Six etiquettes, two main traditional Chinese values can be observed. First, under the Confucian worldview, Chinese believe that the world is structured by sancai (Heaven, Earth and Human) and they all share the same nature and this nature is characterized by harmony. Confucian considers people and nature as a whole and any confrontation with the nature will destroy the harmony. Therefore, assessing birth dates and hours for choosing the correct bride and setting an appropriate wedding date is to avoid any confrontation between the nature and human. Choosing the right bride and right date can avoid any disasters from happening and prevent bad luck, and the marriage is then considered as auspicious, which brings good fortune. Second, the ceremonies show the significance of filial piety. Amongst the 100 virtues, filial piety come first. Filial piety can be referring to full respect and unquestioning obedience to parents. But it is more than that. Confucians consider filial piety as the most important virtue and must be shown not only towards to parents and elders, but also the dead. Reverence for ancestors and worship them is also part of the filial piety. People believe that the ancestor in heaven will bring peace and happiness to the clan descendants. Filial piety, by extension, is showing respect to the past and to the whole nation. We could see this virtue easily from the Three Bows in the wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony takes place at the family hall because it is an important event for the family, the clan and ancestors. The three bows first shows great respect to the nature and then show filial piety to ancestor and parents. And in another ceremony, tea ceremony, the new couples have to kneel down while serving tea to parents and elder in order to show filial piety to them (Katie). Male superiority in Chinese traditional family As mentioned earlier, the traditional Chinese adopted Patriarchy. It is a social system that male is central to both family and society, and where men hold authority and power over children and women. It shows the higher status of male than female, in terms of power and marriage. In traditional Chinese society, men were thought to be the one to continue on with the family line. For this reason, men had a higher status than women in both family and society, as they were the powerful ones who could lead and organize the whole family, even to sustain the continuity of the family (Lan, Peng, Mei 126 ) For women, they were only being characterized as assisting men in traditional family; they had relatively low social status by then. The saying A woman lacking in talent and learning is virtuous shows the difference between men and women, which womens role would only be a stay-home mother who takes care of the rest and breed. Inheritance of the family line is the most important Under the influence of patriarchy, another reason for having marriage is to give birth to the next generation, as the major role of women back then. In order to successfully give birth to a boy, men would get married with more than one wife, which were allowed in the traditional society. It was not being seen as problematic because having children and sustaining a family was vital for all in the old times. In the other hand, this also shows the low status of women in traditional Chinese society. The seven reasons for divorce can best illustrate the phenomenon. The seven reasons is a list of behaviors for which a man would be justified in divorcing his wife. The most concerned one criterion in relation to the continuity of family would be the third one a woman could be divorced if she did not bear a child. People see family as the most important element in society. Although womens social status was relatively low, they had played an important role in giving birth to children. This was also their mainly function in a marriage life. That is why if a woman is incapable of carrying a child, the meaning to the marriage to her husband would be gone. So men could use such reason to marry another wife or divorce the wife who couldnt give birth to a child. Conclusion Lots of Chinese traditional culture and values are found in the culture of Chinese marriage. For traditional Chinese marriage, the benefits of families were always more important than individuals. The traditional Chinese marriage was pre-arranged between parents of two families. And traditional Chinese marriage involves lots of complex procedures. Among them, they shows the great emphasis on rites (Li) in Chinese traditional culture and among the rites and the rules, we could easily observe one of the most important virtues filial piety. Children should always respect parents and ancestors. Traditional Chinese people also emphasis on maintain harmony with the nature, they believed that human and nature were united, that is why the new couples have to bow to the Heaven and Earth first during the Three Bows. In Patriarchal society, male are superior to female and the inheritance of the family line is significantly important. To do so, male can get married with multiple wives and divorc e any wife that couldnt give birth to child. (Word Count:2020)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Competitive Position Of A Company

The Competitive Position Of A Company This statement (in the coming referred to as The Statement) holds two different perspectives on the strategy thinking one based on competitive positioning and the other one based on industry structure and The Statement could to all appearances come from Porter. In Porters world it is the industry in which a company operates that is the foundation for the strategic analysis (reference). This is where the rules for competition are being made something that is well documented in Porters earlier work (see box Black box reference). In his later work (efter 1980 reference) Porter is more concerned about the resource needed to create a favorable competitive position within the industry. According to Porter every strategic formulation therefore needs to contain the two elements industry analysis and competitive positioning analyses (reference). My argument in this paper is that the two approaches cannot stand alone and that they are the two sides of the same coin. Taken the word limitations of this assignment into consideration, this is a short version of a huge area of strategic thinking, literature and ideas. How and why the stages of the evaluation has been undertaken I will be evaluating The Statements through two different theoretical approaches to strategy. The industry analyses (outside-in) versus the resource based view (inside-out). I will be working with the two approaches as two opposite poles in strategy thinking. In the industry analyses part I will be focusing on Porters early work (and the positioning school in the coming referred to as P-School) and their approach to strategy thinking. On the other side I will be focusing on the resource based view (in the coming referred to as RVB). This will be done through 2 different aspects A) The two approaches fundamental hypothesis and B) The two approaches key points of criticism. Finally I will compare the two rirections and make the following conclusion/thesis: The main statement of the assignment is too simplistic. In my view its a combination of internal and external factors that determines the competitive position of a company. The inside-out and the outside-in approaches have much in co mmon and for strategy development both approaches are relevant. A theoretical approach to evaluation of the statement There have been several attempts in literature to categorize strategy perspectives or schools of thought (e.g. Mintzberg 1990 and Whittington 2001). The two schools I will be looking at here P-school and RVB school each describing one part of a the SWOT framework (Barney 1991). RVB describes the strengths and weaknesses of a company, and the industry analyses are accountable for opportunities and threats as described in Barneys view on strategic framework. In the following I will try to make the correlation between two key views which both are occupied with the concept of competitive advantage through two components (Verdin Williamson, 1994); external sources and internal sources. Focus on the internal sources Resource based view (Inside out) The resources based view underlines the internal capabilities of the organisation in achieving sustainable competitive advantages in the market. Studies show that there are differences in companies returns within specific industries (Werner Field Montgomery, 1988). These differences are interpreted as caused by the existence of company specific differences in resources and skills. So it can be argued that it is the companies portfolio of resources and skills and the effective use of them, which determines a sustainable competitive advantage. Jay Barney is often mentioned as the author of the RVB approach (reference), but also significant contributions have been made by authors like Wernerfelt (1984) and Gary Hamel/ C. K. Prahalad (1990). With the publication of the book: The Theory of the Growth of the Firm (Penrose 1959) Edith Penrose advocates the view that the limitation of a companys growth opportunities are primarily related to its internal resources and capabilities. Grant, an other noble contributor to the RBV, puts the theses internal resources into three groups: tangible, intangible and human (reference). They all have similar but still slightly different understandings of RBV, but fundamentally they argument for an inside-out view, where the competitive advantage derives from a companys resources. Studies show that there are differences in companies returns within specific industries (Werner Field Montgomery, 1988). These differences are interpreted as caused by the existence of company specific differences in resources and skills. So the main hypothesis of the RBV writers is that is its portfolio of resources and skills and the effective use of them, which is the prerequisite for achieving sustained competitive advantage (reference). Fahy, Smithee (1999) cites Hooley, Moller and Broderick (1998) for criticising the resource-based view for its inward focus which risks ignoring the nature of market demand. Also Priem Butler (2001) made several points of critic by arguing that the role of product markets is underdeveloped in the argument, and that different resource configurations can generate the same value for firms and thus would not be competitive advantage. Priem and Butler further argue that the RBV is lacking detail and therefore being difficult to implement. The most outspoken criticism of the schools theory and method is directed against the schools one-sided emphasis on the companys resource at the expense of the market. It can be argued that this theory is too one track minded on enterprise resource being the only factor in building competitive advantages. The resource-based only relates inward inside out, so it does not create an immediate understanding of its environment, or the fact that a company must act in the environment in order to be competitive. Focus on the external sources Industry Perspective Porter is a prominent scientist in relations to the outside-in view at least his work before 1980 (reference) (which is what I will comment here). Porter and the P-School, tries explaining why some companies are more successful than other companies when they apparently are subject to the same business conditions (reference). In addition, the school has focused on answering the question What forces drive competition in an industry? (reference). In relation to The Statement Porter believes that for the individual company, the industry structure is essential for the companys strategic development and competitive position (reference). Porter identifies 5 different basic forces which determine a companys competitive position in the market a model of industry attractiveness Porters 5 Forces. The five forces is an out-side strategy tool which is used to illuminate the main competition issues in a market and measure how strong and important each one of them is. A critic of Porter and the P-school is linked to the fact that the choice of strategy is largely based on analytical desk work, without prior knowledge of real market conditions. Mintzberg writes in his book The rise and fall of Strategic Planning: The whole positioning school of which Porter is the leading spokesman depends to such an extent on strategic analyses, that it virtually replaces overall planning as the main activity (Mintzberg 1994:273). Porters Five Forces Model has some limitations with the market and business environment we have today. One of the criticisms is that the model assumes a relatively static market structure ((Prahalad and Gary, 1990) that can only create a snapshot picture of the market situation. Porters model is based primarily on the economic situation in the 80s were characterized by strong competition and a stable market structures. Todays market is dynamic, hectic and constantly changing (Prahalad and Gary, 1990), which also affects the firms acting in these markets. Another recent critique is made by Larry Downes (2001) who comments on Porters theory not being as important as they used to be, as new economic laws, conditions and markets have raised ( globalisation, digitalisation and deregulation). Still they are valid to some extent, as long as they are used with the knowledge that they have limitations within them. Hill and Jones (1995) make further criticisms of Porters 5 forces by stating that a companys success is not certain to be successful just because it operates in an attractive industry. The positioning school are solely focused on the market conditions and their crucial role in the competitive position of a company (reference). They do not involve the internal environment in determining/improving the competitive position of a company. This is a very limited view, which is the same critique as I put on the RBV its too one-sided. Alternative nonfinancial perspective to Inside-Out and Outside-in approach An alternative theoretical approach to Inside-Out and Outside-in in a nonfinancial measure could be done by looking at the contingency approach to management and strategy development. Fiedlers contingency model has the basic assumption that there is no best way of organizing or leading (Fiedler, 1964). Charles W. Hofer (1975) discusses the concept in terms of business strategy development. The contingency approach to strategy thinking underlines the importance of developing a best fit between structure, strategy and environment (là ¦rebogen side 69). Summery Not either or, but complementary I have now looked at our statement through two perspectives to strategy thinking. In my opinion, there is no one best way. Its about finding the perfect fit between inside out and outside in focus. The industry perspective and RBV perspective in strategic analysis are two parts of the same whole. E.g. in analyzing the industry perspective, it is possible to identify elements, which lies outside the area of RBV and vice versa. To be able to navigate successfully and be successful in todays dynamic markets you have to adapt to the external environments as well as the internal resources and ideally create the perfect fit between them. So its not neither or, but a complementary of both approaches, which is also the direction Porter is giving in his later work from 1985 (Murray, A. I.:390). Conclusion Strategic analysis has two dominant approaches or better referred to as fractions or perspectives. Outside In which is based on Porter and the positioning schools and the inside out concept which is often referred to as RBV Barney being the central author. This papers main point is that none of them can do without the other. The fundamental difference is that inside-out looks at the strategic analysis and a company competitive ability as being based on the internal resources and capabilities of which the company has at its disposal. On the other hand, outside in works from the starting point that it is the structure of a given industry which determines the companies competitive ability. An industry analyses requires both internal and external analyses to be successful. The Statement The competitive position of a company is determined by the industry structure in which it competes. should be rephrased to The competitive position of a company is determined by the internal resources available to the company and by the industry structure in which it competes. if the statement should be fully correct.

Recognizing Laboratory Safety :: essays research papers

Recognizing Laboratory Safety Purpose:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The purpose of this lab is to stay safe no matter what you're doing in lab. You may be working with dangerous materials such as glass or acid. Procedure: I am following the procedure described in pages 21-24 in the Biology Laboratory Manual. Observations: Does not apply to this lab Answers to Questions: 1. The flask symbol means glassware safety. Glassware can be broken easily. 2. The goggle symbol means that you are working with fire. It is extremely important to protect yourself from fire. 3. The hand symbol signifies that you are to wear heat-resistant gloves. 4. The bottle with the crossbones on it means chemical safety. Whenever you see this symbol, you know that you will be working with possibly dangerous chemicals. 5. The eye symbol signifies that you will be working with objects that could be hazardous to your eyes 6. The razor blade symbol signifies that you will be working with sharp objects. You should always be careful when working with sharp objects. 7. An electrical plug symbol means that you will be using electricity in your lab. Never touch an electrical socket or appliance with wet hands. 8. The symbol that looks like a duck means that you will be working with live animals. Analysis and Conclusion: 1. The person is not wearing safety goggles and he isn't really paying close attention. Safety goggles are vital when you are working with fire. 2. She is pointing the vial towards herself. Whenever you are working with heating liquids, the vial should never pointing towards you. 3. The person is heating a liquid with a top on the beaker. Whenever you are heating a substance, there should never be a top on the liquid.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Richard Wrights Native Son and Black Boy :: comparison compare contrast essays

Critiques on Native Son and Black Boy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚     Ã‚  Bigger has no discernible relationship to himself, to his own  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   life, to his own people, nor to any, other people- in this respect,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   perhaps, he is most American- and his force comes not from his  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   significance as a social (or anti-social) unit, but from his  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   significance as the incarnation of a myth. It is remarkable that,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   though we follow him step by step from the tenement room to the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   death cell, we know as little about him when this journey is ended  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   as we did when it began; and, what is even more remarkable, we know  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   almost as little about the social dynamic which we are to believe  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   created him.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -James Baldwin, "Many, Thousands Gone," reprinted in  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Twentieth Century Interpretations of Native Son, 1972  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Native Son, though preserving some of the devices of the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   naturalistic novel, deviates sharply from its characteristic tone: a  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   tone Wright could not possibly have maintained and which, it may be,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   no Negro novelist can really hold for long. Native Son is a work of  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   assault rather than withdrawal; the author yields himself in part to a  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   vision of nightmare. Bigger's cowering perception of the world becomes  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the most vivid and authentic component of the book. Naturalism  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   pushed to an extreme turns here into something other than itself, a  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   kind of expressionist outburst, no longer a replica of the familiar  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   social world but a self-contained realm of grotesque emblems.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Irving Howe, "Black Boys and Native Sons," reprinted in  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Twentieth-Century Interpretations of Native Son, 1972  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Throughout, the physical description that Wright rushes by us  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   makes us feel the emotional force of the objects but not see them with  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   any real accuracy: we are aware of the furnace and storm as poles of  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the imagination- fire and ice- in a world of symbolic presences.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Continually the world is transformed into a kind of massive skull, and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the people are figments of that skull's imagination.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -Dan McCall, The Example of Richard Wright, 1969  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  ON MAX'S SPEECH  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  But Max represents the type of so-called legal defense which the  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Communist Party and the I.L.D. have been fighting, dating from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scottsboro. Some of his speech is mystical, unconvincing, and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   expresses the point of view held not by the Communists but by those  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   reformist betrayers who are being displaced by the Communists. He  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   accepts the idea that Negroes have a criminal psychology as the book  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Five Guys Burgers and fries: Ingredients for success Essay

Introduction The purpose of analyzing the success story of Five Guys burger is to examine the milestones covered by Five Guys to establish the successful business in private enterprise system. The perfect business plan that Five Guys has includes drivers of change on the system, the ethical and social responsibilities that Five Guys developed towards its employees. Furthermore, a unique strategy of marketing â€Å"word of mouth† which helped Five Guys in establishing more than 1000 outlets across the nation instead of spending millions of dollar in advertisement. Overall, this case study helps how an entrepreneur can run business by using out of box and simple solution to gain success in market. Five Guys’ philosophy setting apart from other fast food chains By careful reading of the Five Guys’ case study, I think quality product and customer satisfaction is the main philosophy of the Five Guys burger. According to Jerry Murrell â€Å"We need to concentrate on the quality of our product, and the satisfaction of the customers†. Five Guys maintained its philosophy of quality product for instance freshly prepared bun, fat free meat and no corner cut fries. As mentioned in the case study â€Å"The meat for the burgers – 80 percent lean- is always fresh, never frozen and their plants so clean, you could eat off the floor†. While focusing on customer satisfaction, people use to come by and eat Five Guys burger because they think; the place where burger is made is very clean and tidy. Kitchen of Five Guys is always open to customer and if someone wants to see how his/her burger is being made, (s)he is more than welcome. Landlord of a franchisee admired Five Guys by saying that we have Five Guys clean, friendly storefront and quality food in neighbors (Neil Janowitz, 2007). Secondly, customer like waiting for Five Guys burger because of its quality food. Five Guys improved its customer satisfaction by serving peanuts to its customers. Five Guys started to distribute free, unshelled peanuts to placate waiting customers. The peanuts have become a Five Guys trademark (Roger, Y, 2009). I must say that above mentioned philosophy helped Five Guys a lot in developing such successful burger’ food chain that it clearly making a competition to all other renowned fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King and Wendys. Original Values of Five Guys burger and how it remains strong today Two Original values which I found after a careful review of case study, I assume (a) quality food and (b) no advertisement. Mentioning the standard of quality food, Five Guys burgers are as fresh and juicy as they were when the first restaurant was opened in 1986. They have same freshly baked bread every day since its opening. Similarly, potatoes are cut fresh every morning and fried in peanut oil; never greasy served in Styrofoam cup. Five Guys hired the person that baked the bread/bun for their first store, and made him a partner in the firm. They ensure that every store gets fresh bread every morning. Five Guys burger had a belief that people want to know that their money is used in providing quality food. A word of mouth strategy worked really well for Five Guys That’s why Five Guys don’t advertise to sell its product. Jerry Murrell says, â€Å"Treat that person right, he’ll walk out the door and sell for you. We were going to use our food to market our products†. (Roger, Y, 2009). Three factors contributed Five Guys’ success There are numbers of factors involved in contributing success to Five Guys business. I am going to mention only three of them. * Quality food * Simple menu * No advertisement. First factor plays an important role in the success. Simple menu, I think, is the key to success. Although, Five Guys tried to enhance or increase its menu by serving coffee and a chicken sandwich but it did not work, so they stop serving coffee and chicken sandwich. Likely, franchisees put pressure to add items, such as milkshakes but Five Guys did not accept it. â€Å"We’re the only burger chain that doesn’t have milkshakes. But we couldn’t possibly have a milkshake that comes of out of the machine† Jerry says (Roger, Y, 2009). Second factor quality of food is the heart core factor that contributed to the success of Five Guys burger. â€Å"Five Guys’ burger is better than McDonald’s,† says Tristano. â€Å"Americans have always fallen in love with a better product â€Å"(Burke M, 2012). Speaking about quality food that offers Five Guys includes superior quality of meat, eighty percent lean, always fresh, never frozen at all. Potatoes always come from northern Idaho, because of weather condition they grow more slowly, solid and tasty in comparison to the potatoes grown in California or Florida, grow faster and are cheaper used by other fast food chains. Five Guys use anything but the best. Five Guys first soak fries in water so when the fries are per fried, the water boils, forcing steam out of the fry. This forma a seal so that when they get fried a second time, the fries don’t absorb any oil and so are never oily. â€Å"Fries are much harder than burgers† says Murrell. â€Å"We work day and night on them, all the damn time.† (Burke M, 2012). Five Guys menu allows the chain to focus all its energy on executing its burger â€Å"perfectly† (Licata, E., 2009). Five Guys burger decided they would cook only in peanut oil, which cost five times as much as the oil, other burger restaurants were using (Lottie L., 2012). Finally, the factor is no advertisement, which I think contributed to the success of Five Guys. Five Guys burger had a belief that people want to know that their money is used in providing quality food. That’s why they don’t use advertisement to sell their product. Jerry Murrell says, â€Å"Treat that person right, he’ll walk out the door and sell for you. We were going to use our food to market our products† Jerry says. (Roger, Y, 2009). Five Guys burger admits that they do things a little differently than most companies other fast food companies don’t, they put 3% of their revenue toward marketing or advertising. Five Guys burger simply don’t, they spent that money as a bonus to give their employees. â€Å"All of our employees at our stores, we pay them good money. I think that’s important† Murrell says. â€Å"Hire well-paid people and they’ll stay with you.† (Lottie L., 2012). Social and ethical practices of Five Guys burger An organization is considered to be respectable because of its social and ethical policies it implemented within the organization. After a careful study, I think â€Å"No Marketing or advertisement† is one of the top social aspects of Five Guys. â€Å"He said anybody can be successful in the restaurant business if you serve a good product, (have a) friendly and clean atmosphere and reasonable price,† recalls Murrell (Lottie L., 2012). A word of mouth strategy worked really well for Five Guys. Five Guys used the strength of society in positive way and customer base is increased day by day on the recommendation of another customer. I think second aspect of social policy of Five Guys is selling its franchises. This aspect helps middle class people to have their own small business which also helps in increasing the employment rate. More than 1700 stores reportedly been sold for future development into Five Guys outlets (Datamonitor, 2010) I think ethical aspect covers how an organization is beneficial for its employee. Most of the Organizations spent a fixed percentage of its revenue on marketing but Five Guys don’t do it. Five Guys spend that fixed percentage as bonus to employees. The Company has noted that it gives around $6m a year in bonuses to its employees. Murrell says its important to make employees feel a sense of ownership and accountability. Five Guys has a policy to maintain high standard of customer service by employing mystery shoppers to regularly judge its outlets. This strategy positively appraises staff and keeps standard high. Five Guys send those secret shoppers twice a week to all locations, looking to catch staff delivering outstanding customer service. If they get a good score during the secret audits, they receive $1000 to divide amongst them, usually 5-6 people per crew. This is over and above the $8 or $9 an hour the crew makes, as a result crew feels happy and satisfied. Conclusion This case study enables us to understand that business plan is very important in order to run a successful business. Business philosophy or company goal plays an important role in running the business successful. Businesses cannot flourish if higher management don’t have out of box solution or strategy. In this case study we have noticed that philosophy plays an important role along with the out of the box marketing strategy i.e. â€Å"No Marketing/advertisement† that gives Five Guys an edge to its competitors. Reference 1. Janowitz, N. (2007). Five Guys sticks to burger-and-fries formula. Shopping Centers Today, 28(7), 32-33. 2. DATAMONITOR: Five Guys Case Study. (2010). Five Guys Case Study: Maintaining Growth in Fast Food with a Simple Menu & Quality Focus, 1-11. 3. Licata, E. (2009). FIVE GUYS. Nation’s Restaurant News, 43(18), 58. 4. Lottie L., J. (n.d). Five Guys family keeps it simple. USA Today. 07/30/2012 5. Burke, M. (2012). Five Guys Burgers: America’s Fastest Growing Restaurant Chain. Forbes.Com, 26 6. Roger, Y. (n.d). Five Guys is simply successful. USA Today, 06/08/2009

Mental Illness and Crim Behavior

A study done in 1999 shows that forbidden of the three m macabreion arrests made, we can rule that no specific flow, sparing group, or gender group is the cause for much(prenominal) a high number of arrests. In the reading it seems as if execr satisf strikeory de conveyor is spoken ab kayoed as a means to satisfy ones needs in order to make up for something that they lack. For example in the reading it explains how young adults argon a lot frustrated with their lives regardless of race or economic status, they will dumbfound a mode to take their frustrations and cilium fall out.This is to say that no event how form or bizarre the shepherds crooks mind seems to be, the sorry still has learning and attention to detail of the offense they tolerate been involved in and so they can non be claimed as intellectually ill. distant to these findings, one might argue that until now though evil is non inescapably a race or economic factor however it does play a role in o nes life (environmental factors).In general it is cognize that criminal expression is both an scale-by-case and sociable problem. Some crimes atomic number 18 plan and carried out while former(a)s seem much of a compulsive act. Either appearance, these crimes look at logic and self-control, as it says in the reading. (Page 26) This reading further suggests that no matter how out of the norm a criminal act mat be, the offender has a complete encountering and awareness of the crime and their actions that go along with carrying out the crime.This defeats the groundings of the mania or the mentally ill but guilty defense. However, after looking cover version end at the reading, one whitethorn interrogate the statements made because they seem to one sided in that they are not exploring the idea of a criminal who is mentally ill and effective exploring the idea that society is the cause of criminal acts. One statement that is made which stands out is when it is said that c rime is not patrimonial like the chicken pox. trance it stands true that just because one person in a community decides to meet in criminal behavior, it does not mean to say that others will soon demoralise to engage in similar behavior simply because they are close to that initial person. However, when it comes to people who are mentally ill the crimes they commit are a fiber of chicken pox in that certain(p) mental indispositiones cause certain types of crimes so that it is sometimes detectable based on ones behavior if they are going to commit a crime linked to their mental sickness.Also, if a criminal with a mental illness is get into the general population of a correctional facility, they may be influenced by others and their behavior to act in a way similar to those they had contact with. Although the environment of a person often determines their behavior, logic, and emotions their DNA or pre-disposed conditions also play a role. Referring back to the example given o n foliate 27, a man who murdered his married woman in the heat of an argument would not be considered for the insanity defense because of his temporary worker insanity through a scarlet crime of passion.To Samenow, this person was not seized by an alien or had an uncontrollable nerve impulse and so this man was not out of character for committing this crime because according to Samenow he had voiced in the past that he had wished her dead or that the man often held vendettas a raisest those who crossed him. Samenow then shows a case in which a man with worse problems (his wife cheating on him), did not seek revenge in this way and chose to act rationally by petitioning for a divorce.According to Samenow the first case exhibits a man not with a mental illness but with a social/personal problem whose environment forces him to contract to act in much(prenominal) a way. Although compelling it can be argued that this quite is an example of a man who is able to portray or mimic wha t the norm is and can appear to be function normally despite having there be a severe mental illness such as a re ensnareation disorder in which he engages in purposeful malicious behavior (pushing his wife, seeking revenge for those who harm him) and may actually be more harm to himself than others forward murdering his wife.This person may be super charming, intelligent, and able to be very put together meanwhile internally he cannot cope with the environment around him and so he creates this persona of the person who others persuade him to be. This is a person who suffers from a major(ip) mental illness and will not be able to emotionally understand their crimes or the logic/morality for why it is wrong. Although having a mental illness may for an individual to act in a certain way, it does not excuse their actions and they should prolong consequences just as any other person would.However, a person with a mental illness should be held to a different level of responsibilit y since they already cannot cope with their lives which is why they acted in such a way to begin with. A criminal with a mental illness should be put into therapy to allow them to gain techniques to cope with life and with situations which cause them to act out along with an incarceration sentence.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Major Research Areas of Bioinformatics

Major Research Areas of Bioinformatics Engineering is a diverse discipline, which includes several antithetic plains and different branches. One important branch of engineering is biomedical engineering that consists of the claim and design of late technologies link up to biota and medicine. The field of biomedical engineering is boost divided into additional bowls, one being bioinformatics.Bioinformatics is a special part of biomedical engineering that foc enforces primarily on the ontogeny and enhancement of approaches for the purpose of storing, retrieval, makeup and analysis of different forms of biological data. The field includes the emergence of different softw be tools that provide biological companionship and advancements. One major part of bioinformatics is research and consequently we would discuss some of the major research areas of bioinformatics. era analysis is a new and one of the roughly important research areas of bioinformatics.It is nothing but the study of the DNA and genome sequences of different beingnesss. The study of such sequences financial aid in the comparison of genes and thus leads to the development of new approaches and new technologies for the development and use of genome sequences for different purposes and for the development of new species. These studies potty even be use for the identification of causes and treatment options for genetic disorders. Evolutionary biology is an another(prenominal) major research area that makes use of bioinformatics for further developments.Biology is no longer limited to theories and supposed models and studies. Bioinformatics is used in different ways for work out different aspects of biology, whether it is DNA sequencing or some other numbering. The research in computational evolutionary biology helps in examining the information related to different species and organisms that thunder mug be further used for the enhancement of the field into future developments. The st udy of protein expression is also a major research area for bioinformatics.The working of the charitable body or any other organism on earth is highly dependent on the way the proteins in their bodies work and function. Thus, an analysis of proteins play in the bodies of different organisms helps in better statistical and theoretical analysis. Cancer mutations are difficult to crumple and study but not for bioinformatics. The examination of the crabmeat mutations is one of the major research areas of bioinformatics and thus toilet slowly and steadily helps in the treatment of he currently incurable disease of cancer. This research area includes several things, starting from the study of tumor lesions to the mutants that can help in curing the disease. The research areas of bioinformatics are vast and include several different areas and fields. comparative genomics, network and systems biology and high-throughput image analysis are some of the other research areas and these are as would continue to work out in number with time. Reference link http//classof1. com/homework-help/engineering-homework-help

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 8

The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 8

EllaI realize I have more issues than I thought. As soon as we turn onto the Back Road, a passion combusts inside me. It only flames hotter when we pull up to The Hitch, an old abandoned restaurant stationed at the end of the road.Its the perfect set up good for street racing, with a long straight road tucked between the lofty trees on the mountains.We still should talk Ella! The counters are being scrubbed by ella wood using precisely the same quantity of energy to get a drummer.He pulls the car to the side, maneuvering carefully across the pot holes. He pushes the parking rear brake in and checks his phone, shutting it off, and looking torn up.â€Å"Whats wrong?† I ask. â€Å"You look upset?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Nothings wrong.Umm Caroline needs you to receive ready.

Itll ruin your whole Im-neutral-and-dont-give-a-shit act.†I opt to remain impartial. â€Å"Who are you planning to race tonight?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You mean who are we racing?† He smiles alluringly through the full dark cab of the car. â€Å"Well, I thought Id leave that up to you.Ethan slaps the rear of my mind.† I rub my broad forehead with the back of my hand. â€Å"Does he still got that piece of crap 6 cylinder in his Camaro?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah, he does.† Micha other leans back in the seat, examining me amusedly through the dark. â€Å"You think thats who I should go for?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Its the obvious choice.No suspects are arrested.

†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You think I should take on special someone in my own league?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If you want the win to mean anything, then yeah.†We look at each other, like magnets begging to last get closer. Yet flip one the wrong direction and they will push apart.â€Å"So which one is it, pretty girl?† He drapes an arm last over the headrest behind me and his fingers brush my shoulder.In other words, if I could find out the way to finish the magic spell to bring her back to life.â€Å"Micha, I think we should go back.† I put my seatbelt back on. â€Å"This isnt my thing anymore.†He small presses his lips together firmly.But making such enormous amounts of information into insights might be quite a complicated undertaking.

Was it bad news on that full text you got?†He traces the figure eight tattoo on his forearm. â€Å"Do you remember when I got this?†I absentmindedly touch my lower back. â€Å"How could I forget, since I have the same one on my back?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Do you remember why we got them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I cant remember anything about that night.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Exactly, yet youll remember it forever."Micha is an intriguing title.â€Å"Do you want to much talk about it?†He shakes his head, still focused on the tattoo. â€Å"Nah, Im good.†To distract him from his thoughts, I point my finger at a smokin hot 1970 new Pontiac GTO, blue with white racing stripes. â€Å"What about Benny? Does he still have the 455?†Michas eyes are pools of black liquid.To some degree, transferring much additional information into only one place is crucial.

Im not racing unless youre in the car with me. Its tradition.†A starvation inside me emerges. â€Å"Alright, Ill free ride with you, just as long as you do one thing for me?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Say it and its yours,† he says without blinking.Not worth while youre still coherent, anyhow.His face is indecipherable, his breathing fierce, his gaze relentless. â€Å"Okay, then. Lets go win us a race.†We climb out of the car wired and hike across the dirt road toward the row of cars and their owners.Since you dont need to.

†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Well, what do we have here?† Mikey, the owner of the Camaro, strides up to us. Hes got black hair, a kink in his nose, and his thick neck is enclosed with a barb-wire tattoo. â€Å"Is the infamous famous duo back again to get their asses kicked?†I roll my eyes. â€Å"You beat us once and that was by default due to a flat tire.It doesnt mean anything to anybody who matters.†Micha squeezes my shoulder, trying to keep me calm. â€Å"So whos up first? Or has no one decided yet.†Mikey eyes Michas Chevelle and theres a nervous look in his eyes. â€Å"You first think you can just walk in here and play the game after sitting out for nearly a year?†I mouth to Micha, a year?Micha shrugs."Yeah, but it was not a huge thing.

†Mikeys laughter echoes the night. â€Å"You and what army?†I point at Michas Chevelle parked near the road. â€Å"That army right there.†Mikey shakes longer his head and shoos us away.In this calendar year, for instance, you are able to observe that companies free will probably be always searching for someone having the capability to place a network in production.â€Å"As opposed to yours?† I retort, getting into Mikeys face. â€Å"Because that things all looks and no go.†Micha directs me back by the shoulders and a trace of amusement laces his voice. â€Å"Easy there, tiger.Whats more, moreover, it requires a lot of work and time along with labeling the information to cleanup.

Mikey points a finger sharply at me. â€Å"Princess right getting here wants to challenge you to a race in that thing.†Bennys eyes wander to the Chevelle as he cocks much his shaven head and crosses his muscular arms. â€Å"Micha, isnt that your car?†Micha pats my back and winks at me.There were not any military secrets with me.In fact, it might be kinda nice to have a challenge for a change.† Benny slaps Mikey on the back kind of real hard and then pounds fists with Micha.â€Å"Thanks man,† Micha says with a respective nod. â€Å"Are you and I going to line up first then?†Benny bobs his head up and down, nodding as he stares at the road pensively.Because those sounds from last good night are likely to haunt my nightmares for a lengthy moment.

â€Å"Because beating him wont be easy.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Youre my plan.† He opens the passenger next door for me. â€Å"With you in the car, theres no way I wont win, otherwise youll never let me live it down.Probably other people today are beginning to think things.† He slides across the front of the hood and climbs into the drivers seat.â€Å"Youre such a show off,† I remark.He starts up the engine and it thunders to life. â€Å"Thats like the pot calling the kettle black.Her mother was like that lots of occasions.

You were standing on the roof with a snowboard strapped to your feet, telling everyone you could make the jump. I think thats pretty close to showing off.†I make an innocent face. â€Å"But I did make the jump, didnt I?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah, but not without breaking apply your arm,† he says.You might need to understand that maybe she does not wish to go captured.â€Å"I was there because I wanted to be.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You missed a first performance because of me.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I dont care – never have.†My gaze involuntarily flicks to his lips."Alright, youre in need of a workout.

He shoots me a smug look, cocking an eyebrow. â€Å"Now thats showing off.†Shaking my head, I restrain a grin. Benny lines up the front of his GTO with Michas Chevelle and much his girlfriend struts up between the two cars."I didnt need to think about anymore.â€Å"When did they get here?†Micha ignores me, eyeing Benny through his rolled down window. â€Å"To the baseline logical and back?†Bennys arm is resting casually on top of the steering wheel. â€Å"Yeah, man. First one back wins.Im convinced you dont have to hear it.

Go!† Her hands young shoot down and screeches cut the air. A trail of dust engulfs us as we race off. The trees on the side of the road are a blur, and the sky is one big streak of stars. I keep silent as Micha shifts the car over and over again, but something inside me awakens from a very deep sleep.Micha has a thing for flipping the car around, without decreasing the acceleration. Its scary as hell, but it works every time. Besides with the longer body of Bennys GTO it doesnt have quite the turning power.We reach the end and I should probably be nervous.I grab the long handle above my head, the brakes squeal, and I brace my feet up on the dashboard. Its like being on a merry-go-round on crack. Everything spins – the trees, the sky, Micha. For a second, I shut my eyes and it feels such like Im flying.By the time were speeding up the road again, hes a small distance behind us. Micha punches the gas and major shifts the car into a higher gear.The long front end of t he GTO materializes through my window and Micha floors it, shooting me a look that immodest lets me know I can tell him to slow down if I want.I dont.

Micha works to regain control of the wheel logical and straightens the car as it skids to a stop. Everything settles and the dust slowly clears. Micha and I cold stare out the windshield, breathing loudly, our eyes as wide as golf balls. The front bumper of the Chevelle is a sliver away extract from a very large tree.Im an adrenaline junkie. Plain and simple, but I think its how Ive been all along. I just never admitted.Im no longer in control.His hand comes up behind my head and he entices my lips back to his.Something snaps inside me, like a rubber band. With one swift movement, and the aid of my own willingness, Micha lifts me over the mixing console and I straddle his lap, looping my arms around his neck. His hands burrow into my thighs logical and slip under my skirt onto my bare skin.â€Å"Stay here, baby,† he whispers, like he can read my thoughts. â€Å"Trust me, okay? Dont run.†He busy waits for me to nod and then crashes his lips into mine, keeping his h ands under my skirt. I arch my body into him, pressing my chest against his, and my nipples tingle.

It sends a shock through my body and my legs uncontrollably tighten around him, my knees pressing into his sides.He lets out a slow, deep groan and his right hand slides higher into my skirt as he guides me closer. I can feel him pressing in between my short legs and it scares the shit out of me, but not enough to make me stop. Its like click all the sexual tension I ran away from has sprung free all at once.â€Å"Are you two having fun in there?†I jump back and my cheeks start to heat at the sight of Ethan and Lila staring at us through the window. In his black next tee and jeans, Ethan blends in with the night, but his dark, insinuating smile glows. Lilas eyes are magnified and how her jaw is hanging open. Micha does nothing to help the situation.â€Å"So who won the race?† I ask, smoothing the last of the wrinkles out of my skirt.Ethan smirks at me. â€Å"Is that what youre really thinking about at the moment?†I stare at him blankly. â€Å"What else wou ld I be thinking about?†Micha climbs out of the car, stretching his long legs.†Micha interlaces our fingers. â€Å"So the same old, same old.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You know how these things go.† Ethan pats Michas shoulder sympathetically.

I cant crush him. I need to repaint the lines somehow.â€Å"We should just leave,† Micha says to me. â€Å"Lets not even give how them the benefit of our argument.†I let out a shaky breath and nod. â€Å"That sounds good to me.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"You want to meet up at the house?† he asks Ethan. â€Å"Im sure were going to have to do some tuning up on The Beast after what I just did.†Lila laughs. â€Å"Oh, I get it. Although, I like my name better.†Micha traces his thumb along the palm of my hand.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Youve spent time with me every day for the last eight months,† part she replies. â€Å"I think were good for a few hours.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ill take care of her.† Ethan chucks the empty bottle of soda across the parking lot and it lands in the back of his truck.