Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Valuable Tool for Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

A Valuable Tool for Learning - Essay Example It is worth noting that in recent years, CIT has been utilized in newer settings, including the determination of poor and effective service episodes in the retail and healthcare industries. A comprehensive review of these contemporary uses of CIT specifically in the healthcare sector is provided by Kemppainen (2000). Critical incident analysis permits the emergence –instead of the imposition – of an evaluative framework and concentrates on the occurrences and dimensions of the patient experience that are most prominent, striking, and with a greater likelihood to be recounted to others (Ruben, 1993). This paper thus presents a critical incident and uses reflective analysis to draw insights from the incident, with the ultimate goal of improving patient service. A secondary goal is to derive personal lessons which I may use for my own professional development. The following portion expounds on the value of reflective learning and analysis, as a means of gaining insight from a critical incident. †¦ the process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self and which results in a changed conceptual perspective. As a process, reflection is integrated into numerous conceptual frameworks (Hutchinson & Allen, 1997; Kember et al., 1999; Riley-Doucet & Wilson, 1997). I have chosen Johns’ (1994) framework for structured reflection for this analyzing the critical incident. Johns model for structured reflection can be utilized as a guide for reflecting on a critical incident or general reflection on an experience. This would be useful for more complicated decision making and analysis at levels 3 and 4. Johns (1994) advocates the need for the learner to work with a supervisor throughout their learning experience. He refers to this as guided reflection and recommends that students use a structured diary.

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