Wednesday, November 6, 2013


globalisation utilisationflow Statement of Work This Statement of Work (SOW) gives an overview of the present-day(prenominal) workflow issues facing theGlobalization group at cheer Microsystems, Inc. It too provides the desired outcome of sunlights Globalization Workflow assessment. This document is non a full set of requirements; those requirements will be delivered at the Re seeking for Proposal phase. Use this documentfor back understanding in complemental the questionnaire that accompanies it. 1. Scope Suns globalisation workflows today are multifaceted and complex. The Globalizationgroup consider includes the proceeds of Sun Microsystems globalization processes.The Globalization group is assessing the globalization workflow systems marketplacewith the goal of architecting a solution to make Suns knowledgeable globalization workflowsto a greater extent efficient, less complex, and better scalability. 2. Current Sun assholes, Tasks, Interfaced Systems/Comp angi otensin-converting enzyments in Globalization Process 2.1 active Globalization Workflow Tools Today Sun has more than one localization workflow capable of interacting with Content way Systems (CMS). a) The Sun Globalization group supports and maintains a Globalization portal: a portal developed to automate the translation process in baffle to make our processes more efficient and consistent, to improve quality, cut down cost andtime to market. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The Globalization Portal Technology portfolio consists of: Web ground Workflow (Globalization Portal)* supplanting Memory (SunTrans 2) version Editor (Sun Translation Editor) Oth er translation memories such as Trados (used! to support FrameMaker files) glossiness Tool (Sun Gloss) Translatability Tool (Sun Proof) *Interacts with Translation Technologies The Sun portfolio also includes the quest technologies which shtup interface to Suns current Globalization Portal: Sun Confidential and trademarked 1 10/09/06 Information vigilance System (IMS), with the following components - Project Administration ...If you want to see a full essay, order it on our website:

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