Thursday, November 14, 2013

The main character is Fran Benedetto. She is a nurse

The main character is Fran Benedetto. She is a nurse in Brooklyn, parvenu York. She appears to be a practiced person and a dreamer. The kisser main character is her husband Bobby Benedetto. He is a filch who beats, rapes, and tries to kill her.         The setting of this book is in Brooklyn, New York and Florida. I think in the late 1900s because theres is a paragraph in the book round a caller ID machine.         This story stars off with Fran describing her husband. How he would hit her and thus(prenominal) he will say sorry and treat her nice the abutting day, how when they were dating he was good to her but then he would hit her, how she would have to keep her screams inside so her son, Robert, wouldnt hear her. Then, one day her son came foundation later school to see her with a black essence and her collarbone broken she decides its time to leave. This time its wasnt an accident. She get hold of Patty Bancrofit, this lady help her escape him. She provided her with a saucily place to live, new profession, and a new job in other words everything to start over in Florida with Robert. thither they are doing good, making peers, and making memories for a year. Then, Bobby finds them because Robert called and he takes him and leaves her unconscious. Her sons couch marries her and has a baby girl. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
In the mean while she hire a private spy to odour for her son when Bobby took Robert. She never finds her son. She thinks Robert tries to contact her through earn calls and preternatural phone calls.         This book message was for th e reader to gain why women stay in an abusi! ve environment. This book is about the transit without her abusive husband. I would recommend this book to a friend because it exciting and unpredictable. If you want to get a extensive essay, regularise it on our website:

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